God is so blessing me. Friday I did some sewing in Rhondas sewing - TopicsExpress


God is so blessing me. Friday I did some sewing in Rhondas sewing house Love it everything is set up so nice. Larisa didnt work so she came and picked me up and we went to lunch. We went to downtown Boise had lunch at a India restaurant. It was ok little to spicy had delicious yogurt, tea, flat bread. the yogurt made it .Then we went to her apartment so cute she has 2 cats and a rabbit. there is a hill near the apartment and she loves to jog and hike along the creek. Asked her what she like to do maybe we could do something together. Jogging and walking ,ice skating. Ice skating is out I find the ground to fast with out skates. Maybe walking her great grandma would have loved to walk with her. Picked Neal up and came back to Rhondas fun time Larisa. For supper we went to great wall restaurant. The waiters Khole and Rhett I told her and said I am 13 she had a smile I am a senior citizen. During our meal Rhett blew the straw paper at me so I picked up a straw and did the same only mine went past Rhett over by a waiter oh o grandma is in trouble. The waiter was grinning Better sign off Jolene and I are going out to breakfast
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:40:45 +0000

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