God is the Creator and ultimate Ruler of the universe. God created - TopicsExpress


God is the Creator and ultimate Ruler of the universe. God created the earth and created Lucifer as his most perfect cherubim angel. Lucifer rebelled against God wanting to overthrow God. So God demoted Lucifer from being a cherub angel and cast him out of heaven down to earth. The devil now roams around the earth causing trouble, but sometimes he has to ask God for permission to do some things. God temporarily allows the devil this freedom just as he gives us freedom to do right and wrong. God made Adam and Eve to love and obey him forever. The devil had a plan to permanently keep God from enjoying the love and devotion of his human creatures. The devil knew that God will not allow Himself to have a close relationship with rebellious creatures that do not want to obey Him. If the devil could get Adam and Eve to sin, then God would not get to enjoy the love and obedience God desired from His most cherished creation - the only creatures God had created in his own image. The devil knew that God had given Adam and Eve a free will to make choices. The devil destroyed mans perfect relationship with God by telling Adam and Eve a lie, and tricking them into disobeying God. But God had a plan to restore the fellowship he desires with mankind. God sent his Son Jesus, to be born a baby and grow up as a human. Jesus never sinned, so Jesus was able to die and pay the penalty for our sin so that we can enjoy a close relationship with our Creator. God wants every human, including you to have a close relationship with Him. He wants you to know, love and obey Him. Even though you have sinned, God has provided a way that you can personally know Him and develop a spiritual love relationship with Him. If you will believe that Jesus is God and that He did come down to earth and did live a perfect life, and that He died to take the punishment for your sins, God promises that he will give you eternal life and that you can talk to him anytime you want to; and He will listen to you and help you through life. If you do believe that Jesus died in your place so that you can go to heaven and be with God forever, you will be referred to by many people as a Christian. Once you have asked Jesus to forgive you for your sins, Jesus promises that God the Holy Spirit will live inside of you and encourage you and guide you through your conscience. God has told us a lot about himself in the Bible. God had many people write down His words over a period of thousands of years in the Bible. God wants Christians to begin reading the Bible and studying the Bible. God also wants Christians to begin going to a Church where they teach the Bible. And go begin enjoying building relationships with other Christians and begin studying the Bible with them. As for the devil, God promises that someday he will bind up the devil, along with all those that did not want to love and obey God, and put them in a pit of fire where they will burn forever. As for Christians, God promises that they will live in heaven with Him forever, enjoying life far better than anyone has ever enjoyed earth
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:18:17 +0000

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