God is the giver of life (1 Timothy 6:13;John 10:10). He is the - TopicsExpress


God is the giver of life (1 Timothy 6:13;John 10:10). He is the great I AM (Exodus 3:14). In God we find purpose, meaning, and satisfaction. Humans were created for relationship with God and relationship with one another. If we do not seek God, how can we know Him? How will we experience the life He gives? Apart from seeking Him, how will we understand His great love and our purpose? Because of the graciousness of God and the gift of free will, God does not force Himself upon us. He woos us to Himself. He pursues us, and we seek Him. Jeremiah 29:13-14 says, You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD. God asks us to seek Him. He longs to be found. We know part of who God is, and that gives us a desire to know even more (1 Corinthians 13:12). Driven by our hunger for the life that is in God, we seek Him. God sought us first. The very act of creation is one of pursuit – He created us so that we could know Him. And through Jesus He has sought to restore us to Himself. He has given us an invitation to come to know Him. Jesus told His disciples to ask, seek, and knock; in doing so they would receive Gods good provision (Matthew 7:7). Jesus even prayed for future believers that they would be with Him (John 17:20-26). He promised to continue to make Himself known to us. It is clear that God desires relationship with us. He has given us a taste of who He (Psalm 34:8); and we are invited to continue to seek Him to more deeply understand His goodness. We seek God because He has invited us to do so. Knowing God is a privilege.’’ When somebody invited you to know more about God, it might be Him(GOD) who invited you, He only used that person as an instrument to invite you’’. We seek Him through prayer, Scripture reading, worship, and fellowship. In seeking God we come to know Him better and we bring Him glory.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:55:04 +0000

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