God is white, then black (Satan) chose to grow out of Him. But He - TopicsExpress


God is white, then black (Satan) chose to grow out of Him. But He created man after His image: white, and allowed him to choose all and any of white except the black blemish in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan then helped man to choose under mans own free will, the will to which God did not bind or chain down despite warning about the blemish. Of course man chose the blemish to grow out of white, out of God, man who once walked with Him but later out of Eden. Black makes any blemished white think that evil is necessary to make goodness look good by Knowledge’s inherent duality, and man had become blemished white since Eden. God thereafter told man to offer up his blemish by covering himself with the sacrifice of blood (of Life) to forgive the blemish, where God will pass-over all of His white in man to banish black Satan. Man with his earthly science and philosophy chose to treat black equally for white to exist by contrast, and hence decided more to follow that there is NO SUCH THING AS EVIL but lack of goodness as black is to lack of white. Black knowing where Satan has grown away from Gods white of course knew white is so benevolent a king that he perverted mans free will NOT TO JUDGE black by mans Godly white, and therefore subsequently act the animal of black to reject the offering of the blemish by not drinking the blood of the Lamb to cover over our sins. Again, by saying that white cannot exist on its own is like saying the 100 billion galaxies must surely have life, and that we have created rudiments of life in a bottle of lightning is simply proof that we are gods ourselves without God! The Tree of Life is now forced upon our free will to become perverted into the black-white normal duality of Knowledge where evil is, by premise, non-existent. Indeed, why is there suffering, death, and so much evil that if God so loves us, He would not allow this to happen! It is our free will that we are so much more obedient to the hell black of man than to the heaven white of God that we simply proved our own invented science that He cannot exist. Adam and Eve is claimed to be just fable compared to Darwinism. Philosophy and science say that God is pantheism at best, a figment of our own imaginings. And evil had all the emotions but love to make black pull blame on white, the goodness Who allowed free will because of His love and non-emotional wisdom. If God could make the plagues come down upon us like He did for Moses to the Egyptians, Jesus as a person in Him could easily not mount the cross and simply used divine science to smack Satan and hence us. But smacking Satan will not put God in our souls, making eternal white like the first white of Eden empty of the soulic memories of goodness not acted out before at Eden but now to be acted out in our physical, bodily memories for further encoding into our souls. Imagine God in Jesus obeyed God the Father, and we, as man, cannot even obey God our creator, or our parents, except ourselves unto our senses-full animal!! Jesus came to show us His love by taking our black so that we can fill our souls again with white for a second non-death in the soul, even if the first death of the body is not to be overcome as already not undone by Satans tempt in Eden. We chose the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and not the Tree of Life. God is asking our free will to choose the latter, so that whilst the former kills our bodies in the first death as at Eden, the latter gives us eternal life by banishing the second death in the soul, as at Judgment. Evil is the result of the knowledge that perverts itself till evil doesnt exist, and hence we think that God allows evil to happen, in all its atrocities and monstrosities. Indeed, God is white and wasnt even there when Knowledge reigned its evil upon ourselves without us blinking an eye. The Holocaust, climate change, Noahs flood by the tectonic shift of the earths plates, whilst we can explain the unseen with our earthly sciences like Theory Of Everything, we cant explain the unseen of the pure white world without resorting to divine science, which spews forth from the Tree of Life, spring of water, as wisdom to be magnificently greater and more beautiful than Knowledge. It is not God who lets Evil rule the day, it is our free will that lets Satan spill blood and carnage, our free will that blocks God from trying to wash away black and make us white in not knowing Satan for the trappings of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Satan the ruler of the outgrowth of black that ORIGINALLY caused our first death. If we did not have our first death, the second death would be meaningless. But the first death is unimportant since everyone experiences it. It is the second death of the soul that is worse than the Harry Potter movie where memories-suckers take away our goodness of all available white and leaves in our souls nothing but unsuspended-in-animation of the black of Evil. Some mystics have used the power to overcome the second death to white the first death, so that the body does not corrode without man’s science!! To give an example where science has failed and is not perfect at the earthly level, (1) we cannot travel at the speed of light, maybe as divine beings we could (2) black-holes are massive bodies that suck massless space to bend its container so as to bend light when a g field by definition can only affect an object that has mass (give me a Nobel prize for detecting this colossal error!) (3) E=mc2 in the two conservation laws of energy and mass, but who has measured the total energy-mass of the multiverse and empirically can claim the laws to be conserved? Jesus said that His world is not of the kings of the earth, and His ways not the ways of our black-infested knowledge world. Our free will is trapped by our animal senses that we kill our own kind, marginalize ourselves and rape our earth of white. God can stop this: in His second coming where He holds the keys and chains to the second death of our souls. In Revelation, the media snake will wipe out one third of the stars of heaven and one third of the seas of the earth, and by mans poor faith that such open signs might even not save him from eternal damnation by black Satan’s play on our pride, vanity and senses. We can perform Jesus miracles like walking over water, calming the storms, bilocation, walking through walls for Thomas, showing intentionality, when we have the faith of two or three gathered in His name in sufficient critical mass of collected transfiguration of His body to perform God-in-us powers to do the same miracles as Jesus, without us needing to understand and source down divine science. His blood is to cover up our blemishes forever for the fullness of the second life. Now we hear pope Francis saying things on the Net that the devils says for him after Francis said it white by perverting it down to black to you - you should know, by being still so as not to be afraid, that the media social snake cannot change the Rock upon which He has built His church, but only the black bodies, brains and minds of animals to give false truth that Christianity is accidental by all the stories weaved by man to the extent that our date-naming system came from Christ as mans fanaticism of IGNORANCE of science. We are doomed NOT TO JUDGE Satan collectively in man’s black now, because what started as blemish is now taking over in the most cancerous actions of utter animalism. AJ
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:58:38 +0000

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