God, just like Human Beings, has both a Nature and a Will. The - TopicsExpress


God, just like Human Beings, has both a Nature and a Will. The Nature of God must be accepted as if God were a species of Wild Animal-- because in a sense, both God and Humans *do* have Natures that can be understood the same way you understand a wild animal. A Thing with a Nature will Do what it is, and a Nature cannot be criticized. It must be accepted. A Will can be touched like a mind to a mind, it can be intelligently questioned and interacted with, it is not a mystery, and actions done willfully can be reviewed positively or negatively by a critic. People understand how Nature and Will interact in their *own* psyche and subconscious SO intuitively, so expertly, that their words about it never, ever do it justice but the rough estimates we make in our evaluations that guide us in how we treat each other rarely ever falter. And yet-- They never for a moment imagined that God might be just like that, too. That part of God that mustnt be questioned, but accepted for who He is, is that part of Him that is tied to His Nature. The Nature of God basically IS the Laws of Physics and every fact we know that our passions and opinions dont change. The Way Things Are. Its no good arguing with the way things are. Because He Is the Way Things Are, that is why we say God is Perfect. Perfection *is* static and unchanging, like very, very square edges or very distinct, sharply drawn lines whether they curve or not of very mathematically drawn figures. People though, are not *just* animals, they arent *just* their Nature, they have intellect and will as well. Now the Human Intellect and Will we often ascribe to as having the attribute of being Evil, and the question of whether God, logically, can be evil or not is tied up in how you define Evil and because we dont have perfect knowledge of the Laws of Physics (Scientists havent put themselves out of a job yet!) we dont have complete Knowledge that we can use to answer that question-- but we can refer back to our attitude about Gods Nature, which we derive after learning about our Human Nature, which we observe and compare to Animals, and If it helps your brain to compartmentalize like this, Gods Nature is what we always have our Faith in, Gods Will is what we have our Relationship with (because nobody can have a relationship with a math problem.), and the concerning phenomenon that Relationships with God are dysfunctional seems to imply that any Relationship, if it is a Relationship at all, is going to be dysfunctional. But asking whether the fault is ours or Gods seems to me to be like Arguing whether its my fault or Maths fault that 1+1=2, when ancient people could have decided that 1+1=fish. A) How would you prove it. B) Why would it matter? I guess what Im trying to get at is that because of these things about Natures and Wills, a Relationship being dysfunctional is no reason at all to stop having Faith in it. That somewhat misses the point of Relationships, which are, boiled down to their essentials, longevity contests. Whose relationship can last the longest. If thats the goal, then the strategy for winning is Faith. Of course-- intelligent discourse and communication, or at least observation with senses, thoughtfulness, and caring are the only ways to access Natures- the only way to Understand them. Inventing Cause by saying the Purpose is to have a Purpose, the Meaning is to give it Meaning. Thats the key where some people falter and some people are at a disadvantage and we dont know whether we should curse our bad luck or if our luck is only as bad as we believe it to be, since contrary to Reason a positive, accepting attitude always seems to be a choice people are able to make, in the face of having NO Understanding or thoughts or knowledge about it all. It would seem that half-full glasses are Gods failsafes, which provide sustenance for anyone that otherwise couldnt engage His Nature with their senses or intellect because of mental or emotional faculties being damaged. Obviously it wouldnt be right if you can only get saved if you can do logic. Maybe to make the reasoning even more Circular, thats why Gods Nature (the part of him that is like the instincts of an animal, and also like math and science) is as good a **definition** as anything for What is Logical. Reducing the fraction down to lowest terms: What is Logical is the Way Things Are. And the conclusion is that one can always have Faith and a Relationship with God, even though I said you cant have a Relationship with a Math Problem. Look at that, not a single Bible verse, and not a single unbiblical statement. :P Maybe I really should do seminary o.O
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 16:28:36 +0000

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