God knows I love do love you, my cyberspace friend, but what you - TopicsExpress


God knows I love do love you, my cyberspace friend, but what you are proposing clearly goes against the tenets of the United States of America Constitution; sorry. But might I suggest a more appropriate, sure-fire way to ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE that God will be returned to all American public schools, WITHOUT BREAKING THE LAW? O.K., here it is: HAVE THE PARENTS WHO ARE EVENLY REMOTELY CONCERNED ABOUT THIS ISSUE START PRAYING AT HOME, AND TEACHING THEIR OWN CHILDREN TO PRAY...AT HOME...AS WELL. Then our schools would be virtually guranateed a majority of prayerful students, (who loaded up on God before they left home headed for their PUBLIC school setting, (where can be found all religious faiths represented), along with free-Americans who choose NOT TO WORSHIP ANY RELIGION, (which is their unalienable-right, under our sacred American Constitution); lest we forget, God loves EVERYBODY...alas, even those who reject HIM, too. [No offense intended]...
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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