God made a covenant with Israel on Mt. Sinai, but is now - TopicsExpress


God made a covenant with Israel on Mt. Sinai, but is now discarded. God did away with it in 70AD when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman army. This was a judgment of God and was His final dealing with the Mosaic Covenant. Christ is the fulfillment of all the covenants. He is the yes and the amen. In 70AD the temple, priesthood, and sacrificial system were all put to rest once and for all. Christ Himself is the final Temple, final Sacrifice, and final Priest. The Old Covenant is literally impossible to observe and is beyond obsolete. It is done away with, expired and passed away (Heb. 8:13). The only covenant now is the New Covenant which is the fulfillment of all other covenants and actually predates them as the Father, Son and Spirit, in eternity past, agreed together to establish it and implement it when the fulness of time was come, and with the Incarnation of Christ it began, and at the cross it was established. This covenant is eternal, pure and perfect, and nothing can change it for it is established by God Himself whose word is forever settled in heaven, and nothing can change it for it is established in Love, and God is love. We humans cannot even mess it up or muddy it up by human error! It exists between two unchangeable things, Gods promise and Gods oath (Heb. 6:18). It is so sure because God swore by Himself! And thus The Covenant stands firm forever, and it can never be broken! It is not a covenant made made in God! It is a Covenant made between a perfectly powerful Father, a perfectly faithful Son, and a perfectly pure Holy Spirit!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:14:52 +0000

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