God never changes His commission God never changes His Word! God - TopicsExpress


God never changes His commission God never changes His Word! God never changes His commission! God does not change and all the things that he says, remains forever. Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, talking to you brother Frank from International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. We see a truly extraordinary weekend of meetings. Visited by believers from all over Europe and some African countries. I think that was collected about 1,200 people to hear the Word of God. A big impression on me, to make the Word of God is truly revealed to everyone - whatever we say in the name of the anointing of the Holy Spirit - the same is the anointing of the Assembly, and so through divine revelation can understand the same Word of God. It is simply wonderful to see what the Lord takes place. I would like to share with you a few of Scripture. The first letter of 2 Peter. We all know what the Lord said, what the prophet said, what the Apostle said: ... no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. (1:20), God used prophets to predict what will happen, and when the time came, God done what he promised. Like John the Baptist was the promised prophet and was promised prophet William Branham. Scripture might be fulfilled before our eyes. But now, beloved, because John the Baptist there is no longer, the Apostle Paul there is no longer a brother Branham there is no longer, now what? We provisions of Almighty God? We are called to service in order to proclaim what God has revealed, for example, Brother Branham, whom I personally knew 10 years? In 2 Corinthians, Chapter 3, a man of God says: ... who has made us competent ministers of the New Covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. (In. 6) made of thee, beloved brother, an eligible servant of Gods Word? Never understand, my beloved brothers and sisters, what responsibility comes with a direct call to service. In 2 Corinthians 4: 1 we read: Therefore, having this service as we have received mercy, we faint ... Therefore, having this service ... Beloved, before we have provided service to God, should sound the call to service. In the second part of verse 2 man of God says: ... the Word of God which do not use deception, but by manifestation of the truth ... Honor either Almighty God. ... The Word of God which do not use deception, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every mans conscience in the sight of God. This is my testimony and I should boast, but it is my testimony: Whenever I preach the Word of God, the truth prevails. Coming true, and the truth is not no lie. No explanation, but divine revelation on the Word of God. In verse 5 we read: For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ, Lord, You heard what the Apostle says? For we do not preach ourselves ... I preach brother Frank, Paul preach and preach nor Branham. However, I preach what God revealed to Paul, preaching the truth of Gods Word. What Mr. directly revealed to our beloved brother William Branham, Gods prophet for our time. Beloved, we must again say how many people refer to the Prophet and say things for which you have to take the head in both hands and walked away. Even not open Word. Not facing the truth of Gods Word. Follow their own ideas and interpretations. Beloved, I am just grateful to God Almighty that I know that the truth will prevail and the Word of God remains forever and ever. Only if youre in Gods Word, then you are in Gods will, and only if youre in Gods will, you may be sanctified, and then you will see the Lord when he returns when the bride is taken into glory. Something very special is here, not only in verse 5, but also verse 6 In verse 5: For we do not preach ourselves ... Honor either Almighty God. More than half a century preaching of Jesus Christ, not brother Frank. I preached the Word of God, preaching the whole counsel of God. In verse 6 reads: For God, who said to the darkness zaskvelo light is shone in our hearts to illuminate the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. The same God who said, Let there be light, is the same God today, when talking to us. So, beloved, to say it in minutes: live at the end of the end time, and anyone who reads the Bible, knows that the return of our Lord, the second coming of Christ is near and we must be ready. Therefore, we must return to what was said Brother Branham, how can anyone who claims to be a rumor. But even now, let me say: If you are in the rumors, you are in Gods Word. If you are not in Gods Word, so you are not rumors at this hour. Promised Word of God is the message of the hour, and William Branham had direct divine calling and commission: As John the Baptist was sent before the first coming of Christ and the message given to you forerun the second coming of Christ. Thus it came from the mouth of Him who spoke to the supernatural 11 6 1933 Forgery brothers from the USA, who can not understand is this: As John the Baptist was sent before the first coming of Christ, and you are sent to forerun the second coming of Christ. This is a crime, it is a deception as the that Satan gave Eve. Its horrible. It is fatal! The word news in counterfeit version is not found. But the Lord sent William Branham, the messenger, to bring the message and the message you brought, reads: Back to Gods Word! Reveal the whole counsel of God! Bring us back to the original teachings of Gods Word. The original news must be Annunciation to all nations before the second coming of Christ occurs. Imagine, one word has been changed! More than a hundred times, Brother Branham said that only took one word that Satan has changed and added, when he spoke with Eve, and the fall and death were the result. Why we had to change !? Why? Why? To be able to say that William Branhams all over, no one has the right to preach, nobody has the right to say that the profession all over. Let me tell you the name of the Lord: When Brother Branham 24 12 1965 left the earth, the world heard the rumors. Only after he was taken to glory, His message was taken to the whole world and I look back on many years and God gave me the grace to be personally in 143 countries and preach the message of the hour and announce Gods people that God sent His servant and prophet that the message of the Annunciation, promised revealed Word of God. Beloved, would you believe what was said Brother Branham, the message that was given to him, forerun the second coming of Christ, or you believe falsifications that come before the second coming, and everything ended? God still calls and the message is still preached to all nations. My prayer is that he would God brought His people back to His Word and we believe every Word of God as it was expressed - even what was said to Brother Branham in the supernatural. I would never want to be in the place of those who have changed and are changing. God never changes His Word! God never changes His commission! God does not change and all the things that he says, remains forever. Beloved, God bless you and be with you. I have to take seriously the things of God and declare it to you right Word of God in every nation on earth! Blessings of Almighty God, in Jesus holy name. Amen
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 16:13:55 +0000

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