God said: It takes courage to even be discouraged. Do you see - TopicsExpress


God said: It takes courage to even be discouraged. Do you see what I mean? You are courageous to be in a body on Earth. There is no danger for you, the essence of you, yet your body is surrounded with pitfalls. In any case, your days on Earth in a body are numbered. So is it in the world. What armor do you have to protect your body? At the same time as your body is essential to you on Earth and precious to you, it is not that much. I say that full knowing that you and your body are both miracles. It is a miracle, your body, how it functions and all the purposes it serves. It is a miracle, the miracle of you that you are contained within a body, that the spirit of you is contained within the wrappings. It is a miracle that soul and I exist. It is a miracle, your soul, the beloved soul of you, the all powerful soul of you, walks around in your body, your fragile body that can get sunburned or trip and fall. It is all miracle. Every instant that you live in timeless Eternity interwoven with Infinity is a miracle. Tell Me what is not a miracle. What a backdrop the world is to the testament of your story. Your life is a testament to the miracle of the world no matter how fragmented and individuated as it may seem. Individual souls ultimately come down to the essence of Me, God. There is a sense in which you are like little Gods ruling your own singular domain. You certainly are essential to your own story. Character makes the story. Personality too. Character and personality are both worldly acquisitions. In Reality, you are bright light that echoes Mine. Your body needs no extra attention. It already takes a great deal of your attention. Your soul, however, this generous particular aspect of you that is shared in common with every soul in the Universe is not quite attended too much of the time. Not that the soul needs much attention. The soul is unto itself. It flies high regardless of your individual awareness or not. You in the world can use more awareness of your true state, your Infinite Self that soars. What is life about, you have wondered. It is about far more than you presently see. Life on Earth is an illusion yet an illusion worked through, a puzzle you want to solve, a puzzle the solving of which you want to achieve. You, who are already fulfilled, want to know the whole story of your journey forward. From angelhood to personhood, you were born to Earth. You paddle around, not thinking much about Greatness and this entity called you, yet that is what you are. You are Greatness, Greatness in a small package, perhaps, yet Greatness just the same, Greatness hidden within a human being dreamed of and created from My thought of you. Is life on Earth not a miracle experience? You are the star of this performance on Earth, and you are stellar. There is a saying that you can’t have one foot in two boats, yet that is the Reality of you. You have one foot in Heaven, and one foot on Earth. You can’t quite get a handle on this. It may be too big a stretch for you, that which is no stretch at all. Simultaneously, you lead two lives, one you are very conscious of, and one you are less aware of yet nevertheless under its spell. Even you who may soak in muddy water on Earth, you are pristine in Heaven. Even in the soil of Earth, you are discovering the Heaven sphere which you never left. You are soul, and there is nothing you can do about that but accept it and honor being a God-given soul on Earth.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:40:11 +0000

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