God says, Push through. It is not time to give up, but to push - TopicsExpress


God says, Push through. It is not time to give up, but to push through to Me. The pain and resistance are real. Push through them and receive the reward of knowing Me. Receive the healing that comes from being with Me in the heavenly places. Push through the sorrow, My heart is for you. Push through. Stir the fire, stir the ashes away and reach down deep. There is a warmth from Me that will never die. So fan those embers to re-ignite the fire. The time to be passive is now past. Now is the time. I am coming. So awaken your hearts to My ways. Open your eyes to look for Me. Stir forth the passions deep within you. I am speaking to you. Renew your ways in Me. Explore the dreams I have placed within you and see if I will not fulfill them. Are you willing to pay the price? I am coming. Push through and renew your strength in Me and not the ways of your past. Stand for Me. Speak forth My truth. Bring life into your heart that life may burn true. Turn your ways to Me. Look for Me and I will be found. I am in your home; I am your night dreams. I am riding in the clouds of the storms. Be not afraid, but recognize Me and My ways. Meditate upon My word that revelation can come. I will deposit My wisdom that riches may multiply to redeem the lost. Expect Me to work in your behalf. Stir the fire that I may burn brightly. I want to do more. Are you willing to be consumed with Me?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:34:43 +0000

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