God speaks through todays scripture Monday 6th October 2014 ~ - TopicsExpress


God speaks through todays scripture Monday 6th October 2014 ~ Luke 10:25-37 ~ “And who is my neighbor?” What would you do if your neighbor get into big trouble through his or her own fault? Jesus told a parable to show how wide Gods love and mercy is towards all. Jesuss story of a brutal highway robbery was all too familiar to his audience. The road from Jerusalem to Jericho went through a narrow and steep valley surrounded by cliffs. Many wealthy Jews had winter homes in Jerico. This narrow highway was dangerous and notorious for its robbers who could easily ambush their victim and escape into the hills. No one in his right mind would think of traveling it alone. Why did the religious leaders refuse to give any help when they saw a victim lying by the roadside? Didnt they know that this victim was their neighbor? And why did a Samaritan, an outsider who was despised by the Jews, treat this victim with special care at his own expense as he would care for his own family? Who showed true neighborly care, compassion and mercy? Jesus makes the supposed villain, the despised Samaritan, the merciful one as an example for the status conscious Jews. Why didnt the priest and Levite stop to help? The priest probably didnt want to risk the possibility of ritual impurity. His piety got in the way of charity. The Levite approached close to the victim, but stopped short of actually helping him. Perhaps he feared that bandits were using a decoy to ambush him. The Levite put personal safety ahead of saving his neighbor. What does Jesus story tell us about true love for ones neighbor? First, we must be willing to help even if others brought trouble on themselves through their own fault. Second, our love and concern to help others in need must be practical. Good intentions and emphathizing with others are not enough. And lastly, our love for others must be as wide as Gods love. No one is excluded. Gods love is unconditional. So we must be ready to do good to others for their sake, just as God is good to us. Are you ready to lay down your life for your neighbor? Dearest Lord, may I see you today and every day in the person of yours who is sick, and whilst nursing minister to you. Never permit me to disgrace it by giving way to coldness, unkindness, or impatience. And, O God, while you are Jesus, my patient, deign also to be to me a patient Jesus, bearing with my faults, looking only to my intention, which is to love and serve you in the person of each of your sick. Lord, increase my faith, bless my efforts and work, now and for evermore.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:42:03 +0000

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