God speaks to us today through his word(Bible),and that it is - TopicsExpress


God speaks to us today through his word(Bible),and that it is through the ministry of the Holy spirit in illuminating Gods word that believers are given understanding and direction for their lives.The Bible is all sufficient in directing person to finding and carry out the will of God for their lives.The power of God is not hindered in this dispensation,but to the contrary gives power to the believer that no other dispensation has experienced in no prior time did men have the completed word of God to instruct them,nor did believers have the indwelling of the Holy spirit to illuminate their minds and hearts to Gods truth.If we want to know Gods will we can find it in the principles of His word.Today we can know everything that God wants us to know.Bible says All scripture is given by inspiration of God,and is profitable for doctrine,for reproof,for correction,for instruction in righteousness:That the man of God may be perfect,throughly furnished unto all good works.2Timothy3:16-17.This passage plainly tells us the word of God is sufficient for meeting all our needs for instruction from God.Further Hebrews4:12 says For the word of God is quick,and powerful,and sharper than any two edge sword,piercing even to the diving asunder of soul and spirit,and of the joints and marrow,and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.God proclaims emphatically that his word is to be the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.Therefore God has given us the tool or the means to determine if our experiences are from Him or not.His word sets the absolute criteria God tells us to use.Further Matthew7:21-23.This tells us that everything done in the Lords name does not come from Him and warns us about that!Bible tell us about the trick of the devil that he can disguise as angel of light.2Cor11:14.Devil can appear to you in a dream,vision and revelation and pretend as angel of light,but the word of God remain the perfect way God talk to us today.It is through the scripture that we know the greatest love of God for manking(John3:16).Only in the word of God you can find truly marriage.Everything we need to live a godliness and a christian life has been writen in the Bible(2peter1:3).Peace
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:03:57 +0000

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