God the Son Jesus Christ put me on Facebook almost 3 years ago to - TopicsExpress


God the Son Jesus Christ put me on Facebook almost 3 years ago to share what He has taught me about His Grace and His Truth ever since I was born-again in October 1992. Jesus told me not to ask people to be my friends, but that HE would draw people to Himself to be my friends. Jesus has made 85% of my friends North East Indians. Lately, I see that Jesus is using me to speak His Grace and His Truth to people from Namibia and Nigeria and other parts of Africa. I am so very honored by my Wonderful Lord Jesus! I wrote this about myself for those who ask. Jesus wanted me to post this for all of you. Please always feel free to message me or ask any questions you may have. Jesus has put us together in HIS ALTOGETHER LOVELY NAME! Hallelujah! I am a born-again Believer. I gave my life to God the Son Jesus Christ in October of 1992 for Jesus to use for HIS PLAN for my life. At the age of 36, I decided that I needed to find out more about Jesus. After 3 weeks of reading, off and on, a book about Jesus that had a lot of Scripture in it, Jesus used the Luke 11:23 to open the spiritual eyes of my heart, He who is not with me, is against me... Jesus told me that I was the Lord of my life, NOT HIM. Jesus gave me a choice: I could continue running my life according to WHAT I THINK, being my Own Lord, and sinning against Him, --- OR --- I could SURRENDER CONTROL OF MY LIFE TO HIM and let Jesus use my life according to HIS PLAN for me. I told Jesus: I want to live WHATEVER LIFE YOU HAVE PLANNED FOR ME. I gave control of my life to Jesus this day and was born-again. Prior to this, I had thought I was saved because I believed Jesus was God the Son who died for all my sins on the Cross... UNTIL I MET JESUS CHRIST AND WAS BORN-AGAIN! Hallelujah! Jesus has been RUNNING MY LIFE, BEAUTIFULLY, AMAZINGLY, WONDERFULLY ever since! O, Glory! Jesus has been teaching me His Grace and His Truth as I spend time alone with Him in His Word. Jesus has been filling my heart with His Unconditional Agape Love for ME PERSONALLY and His Amazing Grace, His UnEarned and UnDeserved Favor toward Us, that Overflows to others. Jesus has been REVEALING HIMSELF to me and all that He has done for me on the Cross. Jesus, the Master, is transforming me into who He created me to be, His Masterpiece, as I BEHOLD HIM. “But we all with unveiled face (not veiled by the Old Covenant Law, but unveiled by New Covenant Grace) BEHOLDING THE GLORY OF THE LORD are being transformed into His likeness, (from one Glorious Revelation of Himself to YOU to the next Glorious Revelation of Himself to YOU), from Glory to Glory, by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 3:18) Jesus put me on almost 3 years ago to share what He has taught me about His Grace and His Truth and His Loveliness. Jesus does HIS WORK IN me and HIS WORK THROUGH me for His Glory, for His Kingdom, and for His Good Pleasure, according to HIS PLAN for my life. Jesus gives me something to post almost every day. Jesus Does it ALL! Jesus is AMAZING! Jesus is AMAZING GRACE. There is nothing like Personally Knowing God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Father! It is Eternal Life! (see John 17:3) You MEET God the Son Jesus Christ when you are Truly born-again. Before Jesus made me a New Creation in Him, I was a “party girl, thinking I was Free, until I met Jesus Christ at the age of 36. NOW, I AM FREE IN CHRIST! I am American, 58 years old, and married to a Wonderful Man whose Lord is, also, Jesus Christ. ALL GLORY TO Jesus Christ and His Finished Work on the Cross that turned this Sinner into a SAINT, a holy one, instantly and FOREVERMORE, by HIS BLOOD ONLY! Hallelujah!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 23:07:31 +0000

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