God will never give me more than I can handle I have to say - TopicsExpress


God will never give me more than I can handle I have to say that this quote is completely untrue. If God only gave us what we could handle why would we need him? For real think about it if God only allowed us to walk into situations, conflicts, or whatever knowing that we can handle it wouldnt He be cutting himself out of the equation? That doesnt sound like the God I know! That doesnt sound like the God whose passion is receiving glory through the lives of his people who need him. Not at all! I believe God gives us way more than we can handle to draw us closer to himself and so that we completely rely on him for everything we need! So its not God will never give me more than I can handle, its more like God will never give me more than HE can handle! God gives us way more than we can handle so that we will lean on him for everything! Let that sink in today. If your stressed and pulling your hair out lean on Him. If you are in the valley and dont know where to go lean on HIM, He is waiting! If your feeling down depressed sad or whatever the truth is you cant do this on your own and He knows that! That is why He gave Himself for you! And now He is waiting for you to lean on him with everything so that he can do the impossible through you!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:13:54 +0000

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