Goddess Skandmata is worshipped on the fifth day of Navratri. She - TopicsExpress


Goddess Skandmata is worshipped on the fifth day of Navratri. She is the mother of Lord Skand Kumar (Kartikeya) . Thus, she is given the name of Skandamata. In 2013, the auspicious time to worship the fifth manifestation of goddess Skandmata is 9th October, Wednesday. By worshiping the goddess in the form of Skandamata, the devotee gets all his desires fulfilled and tastes the supreme joy even in this very mortal world. In this form, she can be seen with the Lord Skanda in his infant form sitting on the her lap. The goddess carries the beautifying image of a goddess seated on a lotus flower. This is the reason that she is also known as Padamasani and Vidyavahini. Goddess Skandmata is the diety of the solar system. A supernatural aura in the atmosphere is discharged by the goddess and purifies the soul of those who worship her with full devotion and faith. Goddess Skandmata is herself the daughter of Himalaya and is also known as Parvati. She is also known as Maheshwari and Gauri. The goddess can be seen showering her motherly blessings on her son Skand Kumar. The goddess loves her son very much and is pleased to be named after her son’s name. The devotees gets immense love and affection from the goddess who worships her in this manifestation. Rituals to Worship Goddess Skandmata The devotees should perform the puja with rituals as mentioned in ancient scriptures. The rituals to worship the goddess is same as the other days of the Navratri. The puja should begin by chanting the mantra, "Sinhasangata Nityam Padyashritakardya Shubhdastu Sada Devi Sakanmata Yashaswani." After worshipping the goddess according to the Panchopkar ritual. Lord Shiva and Brahmaji are also worshipped along with the goddess on this day. Some people observe the fast of Upang Lalita on the fifth day of the Navratri. This fast is considered to be very fruitful. Devotees who worship goddess Skandmata with devotion and fervor gets blessings from her and gets all wishes fulfilled. The person gets relief from all kinds of ailments like cough, cold, etc. People who are suffering from serious problems or diseases should offer Alsi to the goddess while worshipping her and eat it himself after the Pooja as a Prasada. Significance of Worshipping Goddess Skandmata Goddess Skandmata, mother of Lord Kartikeya is worshipped on the fifth day of the Navratri. The fifth manifestation of the goddess seems to be pure and white. Whenever the oppression by the demons increases, goddess Skandmata rides on a lion and kills them. Devi Skandmata has four arms. She holds lotus in two hands and uses the other hand to support Lord Kartikeya sitting on her lap. Her fourth hand is raised to bless the devotees. Skandmata Mantra Sinhasangata Nityam Padyashritakardya | Shubhdastu Sada Devi Sakanmata Yashaswani || Ya devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Skandmata Rupena Sasthita | Namasteseya Namastaseya Namastaseya Namoh Namah ||
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:06:13 +0000

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