Gods 5 Kingdoms, Creation-Evolution process to the 5th Kingdom - TopicsExpress


Gods 5 Kingdoms, Creation-Evolution process to the 5th Kingdom where we are now; How ready are WE to get back to the GARDEN OF EDEN? Life Everlasting, Eternity. John 4:24 King James Version (KJV) God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The Bible is the pioneer Book. Its whole purport is to tell us most emphatically that death is not the will of God. In the story of Eden, God is represented as worning man of the poisonous nature of the forbidden fruit, which is incompatible with the idea of death as an esential feature of mans nature. From the point where man has taken the poison all the rest of the Bible is devoted to telling us how to get rid of this poison. Christ, the Bible tells us, was manifested to bring Life and Immortality to light – to abolish death – to destroy the works of the devil, the death – dealing power, for He that hath the power of death is the devil When sin entered into our world death came with it. The author of sin and death is the Devil. The coming of Christ destroyed the works of the Devil in the sense that death no longer has the fear that it once had. Those who believe in Christ belong to Him forever, and nothing, even death, can keep the believers and Him apart. Therefore the ultimate power of death belongs to Jesus Christ, the one who conquered death and the grave. The Bible says that Jesus has authority over death. He testified. Revelation 1:18 King James Version. I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. However the Bible also says that the Devil has the power over death. Hebrews 2:14-15 King James Version, Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. Its clear the Bible tells us that death at any stage or in any degree is NOT the desire of God, therefore lets start with the recognition that this negative force, whether in its minor degrees as disease or in its culmination as death is that which it is the will of God to abolish. The Scripture and common sense alike assure us that the will of God towards us is LIFE and not Death.Genesis 3:22 King James Version (KJV)And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: God is on our side on our quest for life, but the inversional minds rationalize the invertion saying although God wills Life to us, Her does not will it just yet, but only in some dim far – off future. Of course this is not from the Bible, because Jesus speaks of two classes of persons who believe on Him as the Manifestation or individualization of the Spirit of Life. He speaks of those who, having passed through death, still belive on Him and says that these shall live a future event and at the same time Jesus speaks of those who are living and believe on Him, and says that they shall never die – that contemplating the entire elimination of the contigency of death.John 11:25 King James Version, Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: Death ruled until Christs coming, death seemed to rule humanity. In this sense, the Devil held power over people with the fear of death. Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil. 1 John 3:8 King James Version, He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. This would include the fear of death that had a hold on people. Once Christ came and conquered death, the fear was forever gone. Death has no authority over those who have believed in Jesus. Matthew 16:27-28 King James Version (KJV) For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. 2 Corinthians 5:4 King James Version (KJV) For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. The Bible also tell us that 1 Corinthians 15:51 King James Version Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, Some shall be transmuted into the Resurrection body without passing through physical death. And in the Old Testament we have two instances in which this is said tio have happened, those of Enoch and Elijah.Genesis 5:24 King James Version, And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. 2 Kings 2:11 King James Version, And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. From the Bibles stand point the attainment of physical regeneration without passing through death is not an impossibility, nor is it necessarily relegated to some far off future. The Bible contemplates such a denourment of human evolution as a present possibility. In our study of the Bible, we must always remember that what it is seeking to teach us is the knowledge of the grand Universal principles which are at the root of all modes of living activity, whether in that world of environment which we commonly speak of as Nature, or in those human relations which we call the World of Man, or in those innermost springs of being which we speak of as the Divine World. The Bible is throughout dealing with those three factors, as in God, Man, and the Universe, and is explaining the Law of Evolution by which God or Universal Undifferentiated Spirit continually passes into more and more perfect forms of Self-expression culminating in Perfected Man. These Laws of the Universe, whether within us or without or around us, are always the same, and the only question is whether through our ignorance we shall use them in that inverted sense which sums them all up in the Law of Death, or in that true and harmonious order which sums them up in the Law of Life. These are the things which under a variety of figures the Bible presents to us, and it is for us by reverent, yet intelligent, inquiry to penetrate the successive veils which hide them from the eyes of those who will not take the trouble to investigate for themselves. It is this Grand Order of the Universe that is symbolized by Solomons Temple. If the purpose of Moses had been only that of a national lawgiver and founder of a political state, a Lycurgus or a Rollo, it would have found its perfect attainment in the reign of Solomon; but Moses had a far grander end in view, and looking down the long vista of the ages he saw, not Solomon, but the carpenter who said, a greater than Solomon is here (Matt. 12:42; Luke 11:31). And the way for the carpenter could only be prepared by that long period of decadence which set in with the first days of Solomons successor. The People of the I AM are concealed among all nations and must be brought forth by the Prophet, who should realize the work of Moses not only in a national, but also in a universal, significance. These are the three typical figures of Hebrew history; the beginning, the middle, and the end — Moses, Solomon, Jesus; and the three are distinguished by one common characteristic: they are all Builders of the Temple. Moses erected the tabernacle, that portable temple which accompanied the Israelites in their journeyings. Solomon reproduced it in an edifice of wood and stone fixed firmly upon its rocky foundation. Jesus said, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again (John 2:19); but he spake of the temple of his body (John 2:21). Builders: Thus they stand before us the Three Great Builders, each building with a perfect knowledge according to a Divine pattern; and if the Divine is that in which there is no variableness of shadow of turning (James 1:17), how can we suppose that the pattern was other than one and the same? We may, therefore, expect to find in the work of the three Builders the same principles, however differently expressed; for they each in different ways proclaimed the same all-embracing truth that God, Man, and the Universe, however varied may be the multiplicity of outward forms, are ONE. Evolution: We are here dealing with the Principle of Evolution in its highest phases, and if we keep this in mind it becomes clear that the intellectual man who perceives this is himself the evolving principle manifesting at that stage where it becomes an individuality capable of understanding its own identity with the Spiritual Force which, by Self-evolution, produces all things. He thus realizes himself to be the Reciprocal of the Universal Mind, which is the Divine Spirit, and he sees that his reciprocity consists in Evolution having reached in him the point where that factor is developed which cannot have a place in the Universal Mind as such, but without which the continuation of Evolution in its highest phases is impossible -- the factor, namely, of individual will. We lose the key to the whole teaching of the Bible if we lose sight of the truth that the Universal cannot, as such, initiate a course of action on the plane of the particular. It can do so only by becoming the individual, which is precisely the production of the intellectually enlightened man we are speaking about. The failure to see this very obvious Law is the root of all the theological discordances that have retarded the work of true religion to the present time, and therefore the sooner we see through the error, the better. Anyone who has advanced to the perception of this Law necessarily becomes a centre of attraction to Undifferentiated Spirit in its highest modes, the modes of Intelligence and Feeling, as well as in its lower modes of Vital Energy. This results from the very nature of the evolutionary hypothesis. All creation commences with the primary movement of the Spirit, and since the Spirit is Life-in-itself, this movement must be forever going on. To take an analogy from chemistry, it is perpetually in the nascent state -- that is, continually pressing forward to find the most suitable affinities with which to coalesce into self-expression. This is exactly what Jesus said to the woman of Samaria: The Father (Universal Spirit) seeketh such to worship Him John 4:23-24 King James Version, But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth; and it is because of this mutual attraction between the individual mind that has come to the knowledge of its own true nature and the Universal Mind that the person who is thus enlightened is called the Beloved; he is beginning to understand what is meant by Man being the image of God and to grasp the significance of the old-world saying that Spirit is the power that knows itself. As this intellectual comprehension of the great truth matures, it gives rise to the recognition of an interior power which is something beyond the intellect but not yet independent of it, something regarding which we can make intellectual statements that clear the way for its recognition, but which is itself a Living Power and not a mere statement about such a power. The Truth about Why Jesus was executed: Now the Master was executed on the charge of blasphemy for asserting the identity of his own nature with that of God. The subjection of the Jews to the Roman rule placed the power of life and death in the hands of a tribunal which could not take cognizance of such an offence -- Take ye him and judge him according to your law (John 18:31), said Pilate when the charge of blasphemy was preferred before him; and in order to bring him to execution it became necessary to substitute for the original charge of blasphemy one of high treason, so as to bring it within the jurisdiction of the court. Whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar (John 19:12) -- and so the inscription fastened to the cross was Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews (John 19:19). But the true reason why Jesus was hunted to death was expressed by the scribes, who mocked the sufferer with the words He trusted in God; let Him deliver him now if He will have him, for he said I am the son of God. (Matt. 27:43) The teaching of Jesus was the inversion of all that was taught by the official priesthood. Their whole teaching rested on the hypothesis that God and Man are absolutely distinct in nature, thus directly contradicting the earliest statement of their own Scriptures regarding Man, that he is the image and likeness of God. As a consequence of this false assumption, they supposed that the whole Mosaic Law and Ritual was intended to pacify God and make him favorable to the worshipper, and so in their minds the entire system tended only to emphasize the gulf that separated Man from God. The Evolutionary Pyramid: Broad and strong and deep was laid the foundation of this Pyramid in that first movement of the ONE which the Bible tells of in its opening words; and thenceforward the building has progressed through countless ages till Man, now sufficiently developed intellectually, requires only the final step of recognizing that the Universal Spirit reaches, in him, the reproduction of Itself in individuality to take his proper place as the crown and completion of the whole evolutionary process. He has to realize that the opening statement of Scripture concerning himself is not a mere figure of speech but a practical fact, and that he really is the image and likeness of the Universal Spirit. This was the teaching of Jesus. When the Jews sought to stone him for saying that God was his Father (John 10:31), he replied by quoting the 82nd Psalm, I said ye are gods, and laid stress on this as Scripture that cannot be broken -- that is, as written in the very nature of things, that signatura rerum [signature of things] by which each thing has its proper place in the universal order. He replied in effect, I am only saying of myself what your own Law says of every one of you. I do not set myself forth as an exception, but as the example of what the nature of every man truly is. The same mistake has been perpetuated to the presentday; but gradually people are beginning to see what the great truth is which Jesus taught and which Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms had proclaimed before him. Perfected Man is the apex of the Evolutionary Pyramid, and this by a necessary sequence. First came the Mineral Kingdom, lying inert and motionless, without any sort of individual recognition. Then came the Vegetable Kingdom, capable of assimilating food, with individual life, but with only the most rudimentary intelligence, and rooted to one spot. Next came the Animal Kingdom, where intelligence is manifestly on the increase, and the individual is no longer rooted to a single spot physically, yet is so intellectually, for its round of ideas is limited only to the supply of its bodily wants. Then came the fourth or Human kingdom, where the individual is not rooted to one spot either physically or intellectually, for his thought can penetrate all space. But even he has not yet reached Liberty, for he is still the slave of circumstances over which he has no control: his thoughts are unlimited, but they remain mere dreams until he can attain the power of giving them realization. Unlimited power of conception is his, but to complete his evolution he must acquire a corresponding power of creation. With that he will arrive at perfect Liberty. Throughout the Four Kingdoms which have yet been developed, the progress from the lower to the higher is always towards greater liberty and therefore, in accordance with that principle of Continuity which Science recognizes as nowhere broken in Nature, Perfect Liberty must be the goal towards which the evolutionary process is tending. One state more is necessary to complete the Pyramid of Manifested nature: the addition of a Fifth Kingdom, which shall complete the work for which the four lower Kingdoms are the preparation -- the Kingdom in which Spirit shall be the ruling factor, and thus the Kingdom of Spirit which is the Kingdom of God. These considerations bring out into a very clear light one meaning of Daniels prophecy of the Stone, cut out without hands, which grew until it filled the whole earth (Daniel 2:34,35). It is that same Stone of which Jesus spoke and is bound by the inevitable sequence of Evolution to become the Chief Cornerstone -- that is, the angular or five-pointed stone in which all four sides of the Pyramid find their completion. It is that headstone capping the whole, of which it is written that it shall be brought forth with shouts of Grace, grace unto it (Zech. 4:7). The Fifth Kingdom: The Fifth Kingdom, the Kingdom of spiritually developed Man, is that which is now slowly growing, as one individual after another awakes to the recognition of his own spiritual nature, seeing in it not a mere vague religious sentiment but an actual working principle to be consciously used in everything that concerns himself. This Kingdom of God, or of Spirit, was compared by the Master to leaven hidden in meal, which spread by a silent process until the whole was leavened. The establishment of this Fifth Kingdom is a natural process of growth, a great silent revolution which will gradually change the face of society by first changing its spirit; and for this reason the Master said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Outward forms of government will perhaps always vary in different countries, but the recognition of Man as the true Temple must produce the same effects of justice, mercy, and truth in every land, so that war and crime, ignorance and want, sickness and fear shall be known no more, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away, Zechariah 4:7 King James Version, Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it. This is the meaning of the Building of the Temple, and in studying it we must remember that the sacred symbols apply not only to Man but also to his environment. The Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Solomon not only represent the Microcosm but also the Macrocosm. And this leads us to the threshold of a very deep mystery: the effect of the spiritual condition of the human race upon Nature as a whole, regarding which St Paul tells us that the entire creation is waiting in anxious expectation for the revealing of the sons of God (Rom. 8:19). The Building of the Temple is thus a threefold process, commencing with the individual man, spreading from the individual to the race, and from the race to the whole environment in which we live. This is the return to Eden, where there is nothing hurtful or destructive. The expulsion from the spiritual Garden of the Lord led man into a world that brought forth thorns and thistles, and the earth was cursed for his sake; that is to say, the mental attitude resulting from the Fall induced a corresponding condition in Nature; and by the same Law, the mental attitude which is restoration from the Fall will produce a corresponding renovation of the material world, a state of things which is described with poetic imagery in the eleventh chapter of Isaiah. This influence of the human race upon their surroundings, whether for good or for evil, is only the natural result of carrying out to its final consequences the initial proposition of the Bible that Man is the image of God. This is the affirmation of the inherently creative power of his Thought; and if this be true, then the collective Thought of the race must be the subtle power which determines the prevailing conditions of the natural world. Mistaken Limitation: The uncertain mixed conditions among which we live very accurately represent our uncertain and mixed modes of Thought. We think from the standpoint of a mixture of good and evil and have no certainty as to which is really the controlling power. Good, we say, works within certain limits; but who or what fixes those limits we cannot guess. In short, if we analyze the average belief of mankind as represented in Christian countries at the present day, it resolves itself into belief in a sort of rough-and-tumble between God and Devil, in which sometimes one is uppermost and sometimes the other; and so we entirely lose the conception of a definite control by the Power of Good steadily acting in accordance with its own character and not subject to the dictation of some Evil Power which prescribes certain limits for it. This balance between good and evil is undoubtedly the present state of things, but it is the reflection of our own Thought, and the remedy for it is therefore that knowledge of the inner Law which shows us that we ourselves are producing the evils we deplore. It is for this reason that the Apostle warns us against emulations, wrath, and strife (Gal. 5:20). They all proceed from a denial of the Creative Power of our Thought -- in other words, the denial that Man is the image of God. They proceed from the hypothesis that good can exist only within certain limits,and that therefore our work must not be directed towards the producing of more good, but to scrambling for a larger share of the limited quantity of good that has been doled out to the world by a bankrupt Deity. Jesus teaching throws away most perplexities with the single word Knowledge There is only one true way of doing anything, and that is knowing exactly what it is we want to do, and knowing exactly why we want to do it. All other doing is BLUNDERING. Every mind lives in a world to which its own perception give objective reality. Its perceptions may be erroneous, but they nevertheless constitute the very reality of life for the mind that gives form to them. For each one of us, our beliefs constitute our facts, and these beliefs can be changed only by discovering some ground for a different belief. What is needed, therefore is to establish the conception that external acts are NOT the only causative power, but that there is another law of causation, namely that of PURE THOUGHT. This is the law of FAITH and of Liberty, for it introduces us to a power which is able to inaugurate a new sequence of causation not related to any past actions. This change of mental attitude cannot be brought about until we have laid hold of some fact which is sufficient to afford a reason for the change. We require some solid ground for our beloief in this higher law. This way Man finds that he is a free Partaker of Divine Nature not losing his identity but becoming more and more fully himself with an ever expanding perfection, following out a line of EVOLUTION whose possibilities are inexhaustibel. There is only one Truth and therefore careful seeking can bring men only to the same Truth, whether they be Bible writers or any other. The Bible derives its authority from the inherent truth of the things it tells of, and not vise versa; and if these things are true at all, they would be equally true even though no Bible had ever been written. John 4:24 King James Version (KJV) God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Martin Mule. George MoraraRonald Mk, Patrick Kamau, Prince Senghor, Suzzie Sue Korir, Valancian Immah, Hiller Mwakah, LeBishop Tommy NgariPeter Masinde, Muthui MkenyaBantu KivaiWanjeri NderuJoshua Towett,GobangaBen NzaluBenji NdoloNdunge TabbyIrene Mwakesi Flora NjorogeAlbert WaiganjoHon Bonface DonmakAppointment International MinistriesBetty BayoBetty SammyBecky KyaloJecinta MutiaEmmily MumbiStephen KivuvaEsther KiokoJudith Vivi-adhis Mule, Vivian AchiengNathan MusonyeGladys ErudeCarolina MossNancy MossMtume Yohana GobangaJeff Mwaura KoinangeJoe Mwai
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:40:37 +0000

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