Gods Attitude Toward Disease God looks upon disease as He looks - TopicsExpress


Gods Attitude Toward Disease God looks upon disease as He looks upon sin, the work of Satan in the life of His Creation, man. Christ came to reveal the Father-God, to make known His attitude toward man. By carefully following the life of Christ we may learn the attitude of God toward sickness. Christ Was the Will of the Father Christs ministry from the beginning to the close was a twofold ministry. He brought peace to the souls of men and healing to their bodies. Healing had a major place in the ministry of Christ. Throughout His ministry He delivered all those who were oppressed of Satan. This deliverance included healing for physical bodies. If disease did not come from Satan, it must have had a place in Gods original plan for man. Read Matthew 8:16-17 and Mark 1:32-34. If this were the case, then Jesus ministry would have been contrary to the Fathers will. He was the Fathers will revealed to man and He revealed that it was the Fathers will to break the power of disease over mans body and set him free from pain and suffering. Christs ministry proclaimed healing and blessing to the physical part of mans nature, as well as to the spiritual side. There are several instances where the attitude of Christ toward disease is clearly shown. One is in Luke 13:10-17. After loosing a woman on the Sabbath from an infirmity which she had had for eighteen years, Christ was criticized by the rulers of the synagogue. His answer was, Ought not this woman, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, to have been loosed from this bond on the day of the Sabbath? He clearly stated that Satan was the cause of the infirmity which had bound her physical body. Another incident is found in Mark 2:1-21. A man with palsy is brought to Christ to whom Christ said, Son, thy sins are forgiven. When the scribes questioned the statement Christ had made, He answered them with this, Which is easier, to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins are forgiven; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? In reality Christ is saying this, Which is easier? Wherein is the difference to forgive sins which are the results of Spiritual Death in mans spirit, or to heal the disease of his physical body, which is the result also of the same Spiritual Death. In either case Christ was dealing with the bondage of man to Satan. To see more fully the attitude of Christ toward disease and the place healing played in His ministry, read the following: Healing in Redemption I John 3:8 tells us that Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. He came to destroy what Satan had wrought in humanity when he became the spiritual father of man as a result of Adams crime of High Treason. He came to bring Satan to nought in his relationship and power over man. Hebrews 2:14. He came to completely redeem man from the effects of Adams sin by identifying Himself with humanity. Study carefully Romans 5:12-21. If mans redemption from Spiritual Death is to be a complete redemption it must be a redemption from disease as well as sin. God realized this, and He has clearly shown us in His Word that He has made provision for the healing of mans body. Isaiah 53:4-6. God lifts the curtain through the prophets and lets us see Him dealing with sin and sickness. Literally it reads, He was despised, and rejected of men; a man of pains, and acquainted with sickness. Fourth verse, Surely He hath borne our sicknesses, and carried our diseases; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted. He was stricken of God with our diseases. He was afflicted with our pains. He was wounded for our transgressions,He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. Tenth verse, Yet it pleased Jehovah to bruise Him, He hath made Him sick; when thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin. The old version which reads griefs and sorrows is not correct. Every literal translation gives disease and sickness. God not only laid upon Jesus our iniquities, but our diseases. He was made sick with our diseases. He was made sin with our sins. In the Fathers mind, and in the mind of Jesus, and according to the Word, our diseases and sins were borne by the Master. If they were borne by Him, then it is wrong for us to bear them. Sense Knowledge has attempted to repudiate this, but the truth remains that God laid our diseases and our sins on Jesus. He could not be raised until man was declared righteous (Romans 4:25). When He arose from the dead, the body of sin, of Spiritual Death, had been destroyed (Romans 6:6). Sin had lost its power and so had disease. Isaiah 53:10 reads as follows in the Hebrew: Yet Jehovah hath delighted to bruise Him; He bath made Him sick. God made Jesus sin with our sins, and He made Him sick with our sicknesses: He delighted to do it because of one reason . . . it meant healing for man. Christ bore our sins and the penalty that we might be free from sin, its power, and its judgment. Upon the same grounds He bore our disease and pains. He carried them that we might be set free, that we need not bear them. God made Him to be our sin-bearer and our sickness-bearer. Him who knew no sin was made sin and Him who knew no sickness was made sickness. In the ministry of Christ, the Father-God revealed that it was His will to heal man physically. Now in Redemption He breaks the power of disease and sickness upon Christ. Satan, who had the authority in the realm of Spiritual Death, has been brought to nought (Hebrews 2:14). In that victory, disease and sickness, the works of Satan, were brought to nought also. By His bruising, we are healed from the law of disease.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 10:54:42 +0000

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