Gods Claims On You (3) -- Consecrate ...Therefore glorify God in - TopicsExpress


Gods Claims On You (3) -- Consecrate ...Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. 1 Corinthians 6:20 NKJ The third claim that God has on you is a word you might not be familiar with: ‘Consecrate’. This means to be ‘set apart’. Being declared different, for and by God. Does this mean we need to be perfect? No, you can’t make yourself perfect, only God can and will do that someday (in Heaven). The step we have to take is the willingness to be consecrated: God is looking for people that are up for it. What does being ‘set apart’ look like? One example could be: ‘My parents want me to go to Bible College and be a minister.’ Well, there’s good news and bad. The good news is that Bible College can deepen your devotion to Christ and give you insights into His Word. The bad news is that your parents can’t ‘call’ you; only God can! ‘…no man takes this honour to himself, but he who is called by God…’ (Hebrews 5:4 NKJ) So, ‘How do I know where I’m meant to be?’ Basically, when God calls you, you’ll know. That nervous excitement when you know you really should join that mission? Or that sense of righteous anger that drives you to give time and/or money to a specific cause? Whatever the calling, big or small, He will open the doors, make the connections, and provide the resources. All He asks of you is that you ‘consecrate’ yourself to doing His will. What do you feel ‘called’ to? While you’re praying today, imagine holding that up, in your hands, to God and giving it over to Him. Now take your hands back into your chest, and receive your life back as a gift, set apart for God. SoulFood: Hosea 11-14, Matt 23:1-14, Ps 13, Pro 8:14-16
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:31:04 +0000

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