Gods Daily Whisper to the Grown Woman: November 8, 2013 There - TopicsExpress


Gods Daily Whisper to the Grown Woman: November 8, 2013 There is an old saying that goes two is always better than one and when it comes to praying, this is most certainly true. Prayer among two or more people is pleasing to God. It shows HIM that we can set aside our human differences, come together, and agree on a spiritual level to make things happen. The most powerful thing you can do for anyone at anytime is to pray with and for them. We often underestimate the strength of our words but in a time where our collective consciousness is shifting back to the desire and need for a more personal relationship with God, prayer is going to be the vehicle to move us along the highway of our divine journey. And isnt travel always fun when its more people. Matthew 18:20 tell us For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. TODAY, if you are in a couple-ship, relationship, marriage, or partnership, I encourage you to set aside time to pray together, you will find it is the most intimate act two people in love can do with one another. If you are in need of corporate prayer, ask for it, receive it, and then organize a prayer circle for someone else. There is more power in the prayer you pray for another than for yourself because the order of service is God, others, self and prayer for another is service for ALL parties involved. If you are alone, ask for your personal prayer space to be filled with the energies of your ancestors, family, and friends that have passed on. Do you think your praying mother or Grandmother has stopped praying for you just because she isnt here with you? Absolutely not the case! They are and always will! And if you find yourself with friends that do not pray for and with each other, either it is time for YOU to step up and create this for your circle or be brave enough to leave THIS circle and find one that is journeying along the same divine highway as YOU!!! Lets ALL agree to PRAY TODAY!!! Lakara Foster M.Ed
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:42:04 +0000

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