Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations and - TopicsExpress


Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations and Research Library Respect God -Respect The Right to Know (God Through Anne Terri With The Holy Spirit) The Third Testament is Built to be Enlightening, and thought provoking. There is much which has been done to Bring My Word Forward for your eyes to see, and you are able to witness this taking place as I Work with My people Directly from Heaven. Are they the only chosen ones? No, all My Children are Chosen to find Me, before they transcend from earth, to stand before Me in Heaven. Pray you are ready, for I Know all you are within. Allow Me to Prepare you. When you arrive to this site, remember My people who have been making the effort to compile and present The Third Testament, are of a Highly Spiritual Nature, meaning of God and with My Holy Spirit. They are from all religions, and have a firm Faith in Me, their God, and in Jesus who is working with Me in this Endeavor. They have learned and are studying the early teachings of the Hindus and Buddha. There may be those here who are avid followers of Abraham, and could be a Kabbalist. Muslim studies are also a part of Our Research Library. When you show respect, those who work here are overjoyed, for it is as showing respect to Me. I Am One God. If you know Me as Brahman, Jehovah, The LORD, Father, or Allah, you may also call Me by these Names according to your own Faith. Perhaps you are from a Native American Tribe and have your Creator Spirit in mind. I Am Everything to everyone. My Word Through Anne Terri is Audible, she is not a Prophet, but is here as a Messiah. I Have many working with her. What may surprise you, is that more will arrive whom I Will Bring Forward into this Work. These are those who keep Me in their Minds long after they have left the church or temple, and are Receiving My Word, or are in the Process of learning. Up until now, many Gospels have been left out of the Holy Books on earth, due to mans decisions not My Own. Even when putting together The New Testament, many works were not chosen, which held important messages. As time moved forward, men and now also women began to look into the Apocrypha texts and other Gospels left behind. They began to embrace works from Hinduism, Buddhism, looked closer at The Old Testament, and have even read the Holy Quran. They want to know, not only what their church or temple leaders tell them, but for themselves. Within the last centuries, My Spirits have been coming to humans in earnest, to speak My Word Through The Holy Spirit. Recently We Have Escalated The Messages, and the books being written are numerous. At this time, both within The Research Library and My New Revelations, these books are in place for Enlightened Study. Know also, there was a resurgence of Spirituality, beginning in the 1920s, which caused many so called mediums to come forward, because it was the latest craze. Fortune tellers, mediums in tents, and seances everywhere available in the big cities. Houdini himself, sought to find the spirit of his mother and fell short of his quest, finding many mediums to be fakes. Another, woman fell prey to a medium who worked with an unworthy spirit. The poor woman built a seance room within her mansion, and the spirit told her she would not die, if she kept building her house. This became the famous Winchester Mystery House, which is now a museum. This resurgence disappeared in the late fifties, after television became the new fad. Unfortunately many fake mediums and spirits claiming to be Angels and Jesus did damage to True Spiritualism, and the few of the time who were Receiving My Messages. After the year 2000, I Again Brought My Angels of Truth, to Speak in Spirit to those ready to listen. This has been Documented and many are now in book form for you to read. No one human can possibly read everything written, but you will find these Messages, Beautiful. They are not so much about prophecies, but in helping the inhabitants of earth find Me, and obtain an Inner Peace, which will ultimately lead to World Peace. Know, I Will Not Allow Evil Within The Third Testament. I Speak of those who seek to undermine the years of work, which have gone into this Miraculous effort both in Heaven and on earth. So if you come in Peace, with an open mind, you are most welcome. My people are human, and deserve respect, for they work with Me. Now, My Word ... Through Messiah Tammy Boynton FUN: “Today look within, see who you are. Do not judge, just see. Change if you wish those things you wish to. No one is to decide this other than yourself. We do not wish to change you, only to support and help you if you wish. Be all you wish to be. The journey is meant to be one of fun, love, and all you want it to be. Think not we want this journey to be rough and difficult, though at times it feels thus so. We wish for you to experience all you want and no more.” Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/1560/respect-god-right#ixzz3BkZ5AWaq
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 03:57:48 +0000

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