#Gods Love for Humanity Wat i knows is that God loves me; He has - TopicsExpress


#Gods Love for Humanity Wat i knows is that God loves me; He has good plans for me and have provided me with everything that I require to be happy today. I loves Christ as my personal savior. I will live to exalt His name all the days of my life. I will never bow down to any idol; I will never love anything/any person more than i love my God in this life; My God will remain to be God under whatever circumstances. The world will want to convince me with simple miracles; pre-judge me always; BUT what i know is that the best miracle in my life is that i am alive today and that God is the judge of all. I will stand; and speak what the Spirit will direct me to speak for i knows that i will never be rewarded by men BUT by the God of Heavens. The world is dark already and only those who live in righteousness will see the light in Christ. The Truth stands and remains that the END IS AT HAND, believe it or live it. We can not live double life; its either Gods way or Satans way; The choice is yours. Follow Christ and inherit eternal life in Heaven or Follow Satan and perish forever in Hell; The choice is yours. It is not about what we see but what the Spirit of God says. Judgement is already made for those who do not believe in the word of God. People like reading books written by men more than they would read the Bible. We prefer being prayed for more than presenting our requests to God in person. People love prosperity messages more than repentance and holiness messages. REM: God will hold accountable for every minute you spent on Earth. John Odero Beloved Carol
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:57:38 +0000

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