Gods Message For You Today, October 6, 2014 Daily Bible - TopicsExpress


Gods Message For You Today, October 6, 2014 Daily Bible Reflections for October 6, 2014 ------------------------------------------------ Be Gods blessing to the world this Monday! ------------- DIDACHE ------------- LOVE AND WISDOM His praise endures forever. – Psalm 111:10 When I was in high school, I was just an average student. A grade of 82 was my target. When my parents got my card, this was their script: “Son, your grade is 82 again. Please stop playing basketball and study hard.” But at the end, when all was said and done, they would turn my report card around and say, “Son, what’s your name in the card?” I would look at it and read, “Arun Gogna.” Then they would say, “Even if you’re just an average student, your name will never change. You are still our son.” What my parents were doing all those years was giving me a sense of who I was — that I was someone with the potential to succeed. And they were telling me that no matter how many times I fail, I will still have their love. That encouraged me to spread my wings and explore other things. After finishing college, God led me to teach Religion in high school. I then pursued Masters in Religious Studies and graduated magna cum laude. Now, I am a national and international lay preacher, a resource speaker for big corporations, an entrepreneur, a Christian recording artist, an author, and a school owner. Arun Gogna (gognuts@yahoo) Reflection: You offer wings to your children when you allow them to learn from their failures. Lord, may Your love and wisdom guide me all the days of my life. St. Bruno, priest, pray for us. ------------- COMPANION ------------- think: Let us allow love to blossom in our lives and so experience the depths to which the grace of God can take us. T O D A Y’S BLESSING LIST Thank You Lord for: __________________ ______________________________________ God’s special verse/thought for me today _____________________________________________ READ THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Song of Songs 1-4 ------------- SABBATH ------------- DO THIS AND YOU WILL LIVE Early last year, the film version of the great musical, Les Miserables, regaled the whole country. Almost everyone who saw it was impressed, even moved to tears. Although not everyone immediately had the words to describe it, there was a dawning realization that the story really brought to the fore so many Catholic ideals, principles and modes of behavior. So many Catholic values were shown, including themes that have to do with doctrines as basic as redemption, forgiveness, love for others, and for God Himself. I shed a bucket of tears, especially in the last scene, where Fantine and the Monsignor were welcoming Jean Valjean to the afterlife. But apparently, somebody who was an expert in the law, and who was an expert in enforcing it to the letter, was lagging behind. Inspector Javert simply could neither fathom nor appreciate fully why Jean Valjean spared his life when he had the chance to snuff it out, and how an ex-convict could be capable of so much goodness, so much love, and so much forgiveness. I cried for many reasons during the show, even if that was the fourth version that I have seen in a span of two decades. It was partly because I saw redemption being portrayed so realistically, lived by individuals who, despite so much injustice and mistreatment, found it in their hearts to go on hoping, praying, forgiving, loving and caring. And all this was taking place without being given in too much to theory, to rhetorical questions, to discussions that were more proper in the classroom, and to hair-splitting definitions about who ought to be considered “neighbor.” Victor Hugo, the writer, despite his unfortunate clash with the authorities then, redeemed himself by coming up with a novel that portrayed the very same redemption that he experienced. The scholar of the law could very well stand in for us — at times given in to theory and rhetorics. But more important than theory is praxis. Hoc fac et vives. Do this and you will live! Fr. Chito Dimaranan, SDB REFLECTION QUESTION: How well do you put into practice what you know about God’s laws? Lord, help me to be a shining example of Your love for Your people. -------------------------------------------------------- This reflection is courtesy of Kerygma Family, whose website is located at: kerygmafamily
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 09:17:36 +0000

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