Gods Perfect Timing (2) When God prepared His son Jesus to - TopicsExpress


Gods Perfect Timing (2) When God prepared His son Jesus to enter into the world, His plan was perfect and His timing was right. We give, make, take, waste, and save time. But What do we really know of it? Time is endless and toward the future. Time is momentary. We use clocks to measure time. Time rules our lives and waits for nobody. The bible says in the book of Ecclesiastes that there is a time for everything and that everything has its time. Time is customised to each individual. Our father in heaven is never late. He has never forgotten you. Do not mix being late as always of God’s timing. Be discerning and walking in His will and he will direct your path. A missed or delayed flight can save your life or cost you your important appointment for not connecting with it. Tuning into the flow of the Holy Spirit and catching the flow is important. Getting on point with the Spirit will help you discern whether missing a flight is an act of God, a delay tactic of the devil or just human error and bad planning. Every one of God’s plans are constructed with His purpose in mind. God restores what you have lost and He observes every transition. Consequences surround every event and there is a reaction to every action. Our spiritual ears and eyes need to be open to observe foreseeable changes, and understand the way of the Spirit. Change can be uncomfortable but is not a surprise when we understand the will of our Father in heaven. Eienstien s insight was that motion through space effects the passage of time. Time moves slower for the person who is moving. I have identified two kinds of time, Cronus time is a Greek word which means that the word time is governed by the natural world, daily clock. Kairos time, which means now time; in other words God divine timing. The time now can be this second, minute, hour day, week, month or even this year, depending on your time reference. The church must be discerning when prophetic utterances reference times and events. Remember We must be attuned to Gods timing and not expect Him to align with ours. Do not ever give up with God, His timing is not your timing. What you may see as late, Our Father in heaven sees as right on schedule. A classic example is when Peter was in prison. The night before his execution while the guards were asleep, He delivered him. When Lazarus died and was resurrected by Jesus, it was God’s perfect timing. ‘In you o’Lord do I put my trust, never let me be put to confusion. Deliver me in thy righteousness and make my path straight.’ Events help us to measure time. To balance the experience and nature of time, we must consider challenging our personal learnt beliefs. Getting into the flow of the Spirit of God will attune our senses to quicken to His time frame agendered for us. He may prompt you to awake in the middle of the night to pray for a person. It is not to defer the time of prayer but divinely take immediate action to pray. No matter which way you may wonder what will happen next in your life, be sure that He has mapped out your end from your beginning and has already organised an expected end for you. Everyone has trials and challenges but God points out to us that these challenges are expected, so He gives us the endurance to overcome. He does not give us more than we can handle. As we work out our salvation the fiery trials that arise in the book of James 1:1-3 encourage us to expect them. Run the race that is set before you, run it with patience, with confidence, believing God’s word. He has gone ahead of you, He will deliver you and sustain you. He will uphold you according to His word and the right hand of His righteousness. So let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the perfector, author and finisher of our faith. He endured the cross, was despised and persecuted, His blood was shed for your good. Many of you “have not resisted unto bloodshed, striving against sin.” The bible says, “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are chastened by Him; for whom the Lord loves, He chastens and scourges every son who He receives,” (Hebrews 12:1-11). So no matter what you are going through, joy cometh in the morning. Though the process may be difficult and painful, it will eventually yield its fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:39:05 +0000

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