Gods Perfect Timing (3) Are you in training? I sure hope so. - TopicsExpress


Gods Perfect Timing (3) Are you in training? I sure hope so. Discard any attitude or practice that hinders your walk with Jesus Christ. I had a dream of the Lord training me. He prepared me at the beginning of the obstacle course. He had a stopwatch; He gave me a specific scripture to read. He said, ‘memorize this word.’ Then He said, “Go.” My race was against the clock. I set off around the obstacle course, under, over, around items, splashing through water, then when I reached the finish line, He was there waiting for me. He said, “What was the scripture I gave you?” My mind could not remember all of it. He then said, “You must run the course again.” I did it about three times and eventually I began to remember the scripture, over every obstacle, every turn, every difficulty, He was training me. When I eventually got to the finish line He said, “What is the scripture?” I recited it to Him; He was happy and stopped the stopwatch and said, “Well done. You have completed the course successfully.” I then woke up and reflected on the dream. The Lord was watching over His word and that His word must be active in my heart and mind and ready on my lips. His timing was very important signifying that no matter what I am going through, His word must remain living and active inside of my heart and mind. At the finish line, the Lord was ready to receive me and was pleased that I completed the race. Time is different for you and different for me. It is said that a childs day is a lot longer than a senior citizen. As a matter of fact the elderly person is usually known to say that the time is moving so fast. This sounds like one body clock is ticking faster. Pace your time, use it wisely, look for opportunities to learn and be gracious with all your endeavours. Please consider these words for your possible encounters during your life’s journey toward your Christ awaited expected end. As you magnify the Lord, knowing and understanding your personal progress, He will evidence His word and take pleasure in prospering you (Psalm 35:27). That prosperity I am talking of is happiness, peace, good health, wellness and safety. Nuggets to consider: On route to your God-intended goal, don’t forget to look at the battle you have just won, (as you will have many.) Look for the nuggets in them – what went wrong, what you have learnt, what you have realised and what you can do better next time. Also, considering what did it cost and what were the benefits. Run with patience, do not purposely delay in your journey. timing is set by His clock and not yours. He will be waiting for you at the finish line. Give God glory at all times and praise Him. Not just in your problems but also your victories, in other words, at all times. The bible says in Psalm 35:27, “He prospers those who declare His name.” Christ is enthroned in our praises. Christ is the hope of our glory (Col 1:27). Christ is the mystery of godliness (1 Tim 3:16). His plan for your life is to know Him (John 17:2-3). Learn how to be content in all things and to rest in contentment (Phil 4:11). God wants you to be steadfast, to know Him, to seek Him, to obey His word, to love your neighbour, to be strong and to take action. His aim is to establish all of your good works, draw you close to Him that you may enter into His joy. Amen. Gods timing is perfect and always right.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:44:23 +0000

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