Gods Story and timeline before 3000 - TopicsExpress


Gods Story and timeline before 3000 BC? ----------------------------------------------- According to a recent racial study (The History and Geography of Human Genes by Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi and Alberto Piazza ), it has been confirmed that all people of Europe, the Middle East, and India belong to a single Caucasian type race. This means that they had to have come from the same source. Thus, we are all descendants of this great Hindu/ Vedic culture, the center of which is India. Let us look at Vedic proof (Oldest spiritual and scientific books of Hindu/Vedic civilization) and migration of Hindus/vedic kings/seers/sages to other parts of the world between 15,000 BC to 7500 BC. “There are eighteen Puranas and sub-Puranas in Sanskrit. According to them, only those who settled on the high mountains of Central Asia and around the Caspian Sea, after the end of the fourth ice age, survived from the glaciers and deluge. During the period from the end of the fourth ice age and the great deluge, there were 12 great wars for the mastery over the globe. They divided the global regions into two parts. The worshipers of the beneficial forces of nature, or Devas, settled from the Caspian Sea to the eastern ocean, and the worshipers of the evil forces of nature occupied the land to the west of the Caspian Sea. These became known as the Assyrians (Asuras), Daityas (Dutch), Daiteyas (Deutch or German), Danavas (Danes), and Danutusahs (Celts). Some of them migrated to the American continent. The Mayans, Toltecs, and the rulers of Palanque (Patalalanke), are considered to be the Asuras who migrated to the Patala (land below), or the land of immortals, Amaraka. Knapp, Stephen (2000-02-01). Proof of Vedic Cultures Global Existence India/Hindu/Vedic civilization is the mother of all civilizations. Let us look at another proof through Hindu/Vedic divine language Sanskrit and why it is the mother of all languages? Shalome Sanskrit: Ishalayam, The abode of God. Ishalayam - shalayam - shalome. Jerusalem Sanskrit: Yadu-isha-layam — The township of Lord Krishna. Yadu - dynasty of Lord Krsna, Isha - God, alayam - abode or place. Judaism Sanskrit: Yaduism — The Yadu dynasty which Lord Krishna appeared in. It is common for the y and j to become interchangeable hence, Yaduism, Yeduism and finally Judaism. Israel Sanskrit: Ishwaralaya, The abode of Isha - God. Sanskrit: Palustin (Vedic sage) -> Palestine Abraham Sanskrit: Brahma, Vedic God. Vaivasvata Manu, whose original name was Satyavrata, is the 7th Manu and considered the first king to rule this earth, who saved humanity from the great flood — after being warned of it by the Matsya avatar of Vishnu, who had also advised him to build a giant boat. The story is mentioned in early Hindu scriptures such as the Satapatha Brahmana, and it has often been compared with the popular traditions of a Great Deluge from other cultures around the world, particularly that of Noahs Ark. We are all descendants of Manu (Common ancestor) - The King and Hindu seer of Vedic/Hindu civilization. Manus descendants were Pauravas, Ayu, Nahusha, and Yayati. Yayati had 5 sons and this vedic clan spread to other parts of the world 1. The Purus (Paurava dynasty) were the Rigvedic people and developed Vedic culture in north central India and the Punjab along the Sarasvati (Rig-veda 7.96.2).This clan later went on to Egypt who became the Pharaohs and rulers of the area 2. The Anus (Who also started Mleccha or Greek dynasty) of southern Kashmir along the Parushni or modern Ravi River (Rigveda 7.18.13) spread over western Asia and developed the various Iranian cultures.Thus, the ancient Greeks were once a part of Bharata-varsa (India) and the Vedic civilization. But later the people gave up their affiliation with Vedic society and were, therefore, classified as Mlecchas.However, in the Vana-parva section of the Mahabharata it is predicted that this non-Vedic society would one day rule much of the world, including India. Alexander the Great invaded northern India for the Pulinda or Greek civilization in 326 BCE, fulfilling the prophecy. 3. The Druhyus (who started Bhoja dynasty) northwest of the area of the Punjab and Kashmir spread into Europe and became the western Indo-Europeans,or the Druids or Ancient Celts A first group went northwest and developed the proto-Germanic dialect, and another group traveled farther south and developed the proto-Hellenic and Itallic-Celtic dialects. 4. Yadu was the originator of the Yadu dynasty called the Yadavas, later known as the Lunar Dynasty. Yayati was deified as Yahweh by the descendants of Yadu who are identified with the Yadus, the Jews of the present day. 5. Turvasu came the Yavana or Turk dynasty. Another province mentioned in Mahabharata (Adi-parva 85.34) is that of the Yavanas (Turks) who were so named for being descendants of Maharaja Yavana (Turvasu), one of the sons of Maharaja Yayati, They also gave up Vedic culture and became Mlecchas. They fought in the battle of Kuruksetra against the Pandavas on behalf of Duryodhana and lost. However, it was predicted that they would one day return to conquer Bharata-varsa (India) and, indeed, this came to pass. Muhammad Ghori later attacked and conquered parts of India on behalf of Islam from the Abhira and Yavana or Turkish countries. Thus, we can see that these provinces in the area of Greece and Turkey (and the countries in between there and India) were once part of the Vedic civilization and had at one time not only political and cultural ties, but also ancestral connections. This is the Vedic version of the origin of Aryan civilization and how its influence spread in various degrees throughout the world. These Aryan tribes, originating in India by King Yayati and mentioned in the Rig-veda and Vishnu and Bhagavata Puranas, spread all over the world. Source - Rig Veda/Atharva veda (Worlds oldest spiritual and scientific book of Hindu/Vedic/.Dharmic civilization other tribes of vedic culture who migrated outside India The Vishnu Purana (4.3.18-21) also mentions the Shakas who are the Scythians of ancient Central Asia, the Pahlavas who are the Persians, and the Cinas who are the Chinese I can go on like this for every civilization the world had seen 1. Bhumi (Indian sanskrit word for earth) -> Humi and Humus -> Humans we are humus beings or bhumi beings. 2. Sanskrit: Amaraka (land of immortals) -> America (both North and South) 3. Sanskrit: Brihat-sthan (Great land or Island) -> Britain. In course of time Brihatsthan was corrupted to Britain in popular speech. That Britain itself signified ‘the Great’ isles was forgotten but the memory of ‘greatness’ persisted while the Sanskrit connotation was forgotten. That led to the addition of the objective ‘Great’ which explains the current name Great Britain.The term Anglo-Saxon is Sanskrit ‘Angla Saka Sunuh’ implying the descendants of the Sakas in England. Surnames like Peterson, Anderson, Jacobson are of the Sanskrit, Hindu tradition of describing a person as son of such and such. In some cases the English ending ‘Son’ is the earlier Hindu ending ‘Sen’. Thus Anderson is the English corruption of the Hindu name indrasen. Ireland is Arya Sthan and Scotland is Kshatra-sthan. Wales in Sanskrit signifies a seaside region. The Hindu temples abounded in ancient Britain when Vedic culture pervaded the West. It has been already explained above that place-names ending in ‘shire’ testify to the existence of Shiva temples. Ancient Hindu temples lie in unrecognizable ruins throughout Great Britain and Ireland. Christian fanaticism prevents modern European scholars from publicizing them. One such famous temple existed on the Hill of Tara, alias Taragarh, (in today’s Indian parlance), in Ireland. The Hill of Tara consequently a sacred site on which Sanskrit-speaking Hindu Kshatriya kings used to be crowned for centuries. A 5000 years-old Vedic temple was discovered late in 1997 A. D. in Stanton Drew village in Somerset. Another famous temple is the wel-known stonehenge. It has been carbon-dated to be of 2000 B. C. The temple has astronomical marking to chart the raising and setting of the sun and moon. Its presiding deity used to be taken in a procession to the Avon river three miles away. The deity was so consecrated as to be illumined by the rising sun’s rays on the longest day. These are all hindu Vedic traditions. Ancient churches throughout Great Britain and Europe are astronomically oriented which proves that they are captured Hindu temples since Hindus were the only people known to be shaping their lives day after day on astronomical considerations at that remote age. The information about the Stonehenge and its above-mentioned implications is recorded in the Encyclopedia Britannica. Godfrey Higgin’s book titled “The Celtic Druids” leads valuable evidence indicating that Hindu had colonized the British isles long before the Roman conquest. That book, published in 1829 A. D. is available in the British Museum library in London. Under Roman rule London was known as Londonium. This is a corruption of the much ancient Sanskrit terms Nondanium signifying a pleasing place. 4.Sanskrit: Devaneshwar (Land of gods) -> Devonshire 5.Sanskrit: Ramstan, (Place of Lord Rama) -> Ramstein 6. Sanskrit: Daityasthan, Land of the Daityas -> Deutchland 7. Sanskrit: Sharman (Common hindu surname) -> German 8. Sanskrit: Palustin (Vedic sage) -> Palestine 9. Sanskrit: Skanda + Naviya ->Skanda is the son of Lord Siva. Naviya is Sanskrit for naval settlement. Scandinavians were the mariner descendants of the Vedic ksatriyas who worshipped Skanda. 10. Sanskrit: Moksha (Salvation) -> Moscow 11. Sanskrit: Astral-alaya, (Land of the missiles).- Australia 12. Jerusalem Sanskrit: Yadu-isha-layam — The township of Lord Krsna. Yadu - dynasty of Lord Krsna, Isha - God, alayam - abode or place. 13. Judaism Sanskrit: Yaduism — The Yadu dynasty which Lord Krsna appeared in. It is common for the y and j to become interchangeable hence, Yaduism, Yeduism and finally Judaism. 14. Israel Sanskrit: Ishwaralaya, The abode of Isha - God. 15. Soviet Sanskrit: Svet, White as in white snow covered region. 16. Russia Sanskrit: Rishiya, Land of the Rishis. 17. Shalome Sanskrit: Ishalayam, The abode of God. Ishalayam - shalayam - shalome. 18. Adam Sanskrit: aadim, The first or most ancient man. 19. Abraham Sanskrit: Brahma, Vedic God. 20. Korea Sanskrit: Gauriya, Gouri, Vedic Goddess. 21. Danube river Sanskrit: Danuv — the Daityas were also known as the Danuv community due to Kashyapa munis marriage to Danu, who is also known as one of the primary Goddesses of the celts. 22. England Sanskrit: Angulistan — Angulistan-Anguliand-England. 23. Egypt Sanskrit: Ajapati — Lord Rama, the illustrious scion of Aja. Their kings were named Ramses meaning Rama the God. 24. Stein Sanskrit: Stan, Place. 25. Siberia Sanskrit: Shibeerya, The locals still call their land Shibir. 26. Caspean sea Sanskrit: Kashyapa muni, Named after the Vedic sage. 27. the Sanskrit term for coins is panas. This term took shape as paisa, another common word in India. It has two meanings, one of which is a basic copper coin, and another is all the wealth a person possesses. The French word Piastra is a corruption of the word paisa. In Spain and Spanish territories we see the same word pronounced as “peso.” This term took shape as “pence” in British currency. The Sanskrit term for ruler is known as raya. And the currency issued under his authority used to be termed rayal. The “Rial” is the Saudi Arabian legal tender, which is the Arabic pronunciation of the term “Rayal.” This shows that in pre-Islamic times Arabia used to be administered by Sanskrit speaking Kshatriya rayas. Even the Russian “Rubble” gets its name from the Sanskrit compound rajya-bal or raya-bal, meaning Strength of realm 28. . In the system of time, the word “time” itself is a corruption of the Sanskrit Samay which was pronounced as “Tamay” and later became “Time.” Kala is the Sanskrit word for time, and the word “calendar” comes from the Sanskrit term kalantar, which signifies a chart of the divisions of time. Likewise the word “clock” comes from the Sanskrit word kala-ka, meaning a recorder of time. The system of time itself is also from the Vedic culture. The 60-second, 60-minute calculation is also from Vedic mathematics. According to the Vedic computation, 60 vipalas make one pala and 60 palas make one ghati (24 minutes). The term “hour” is a mispronunciation of the Sanskrit word hora, which is two-and-a-half ghatis. Even the word “day” is the corrupt form of the Sanskrit word din. And the terms a.m. and p.m. have a Sanskrit root. In English they mean “ante-meridian” and “post-meridian.” But ante or post-meridian to what? However, this is cleared up when we realize that the a.m. and p.m. terms are the initials of the Sanskrit expressions Arohanam Martandasya (the climbing of the sun) and Patanam Martandasya (the falling of the sun). The days of the week also follow the order given by the Vedic tradition. For example, Sunday (named after the sun) follows Saturday (the day of Saturn). And Monday (named after the Moon) follows Sunday, etc. The names of the months are also based on Sanskrit words. September is Saptamber, October is Ashtamber, November is Navamber, and December is Dashamber. Ambar is the name referring to the Zodiac, while sapta, ashta, nava, and dasha represents the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months respectively. Other months include January, named from Januarius, or the Latin Janus, which is the Sanskrit Ganesh. Januarius is linguistically connected to the Sanskrit Gana-raya-eash. Ganesh is worshiped at the start of any ritual or project, or in this case the beginning of every year. Thus, the first month of the year was named after Ganesh. February was spelled by the Romans as Februarius, which is a mispronunciation of the Sanskrit Pravaresh. Consequently, Februarius was named after Pravar, which signifies a sage, or God as Lord of the sages. The term “March” comes for the Sanskrit Marichi which is one of the names of the sun. The term “August” and even the name “Augustus” are rooted in the name of the sage Agastya, who was a very sober person. Thus, the phrase “august personality” is derived from that. 29. Even the word “arithmetic” comes from the Sanskrit Artha-maatica, meaning a computation of monetary transactions. The word “Geometry” is Sanskrit Jya-matra, meaning a measurement of earth. The word “trigonometry” is from the Sanskrit tri-gono-matra, which means “three-dimensional measurement.” It can also refer to trikon-matra, meaning a triangular measurement. The word “physics” is from the Sanskrit term pashya, which means seeing or perceiving with all senses. Other terms like “divide” come from the Sanskrit dwivide, and the term “add” comes from Sanskrit adhik. The science of botany has a name that comes from the Sanskrit term buta, which means a science concerning plants. This is especially found in the practice of Ayurveda in which the term jadi-buti means “roots and plants.” The English terms “osteomalacia” and “osteoporosis” come from the Sanskrit asthi-mala, meaning bones that are diseased. The English termination “stry,” as found in chemistry or dentistry, is a perverted form of the Sanskrit term of shastra or shastri, which means a science. The science of gerontology was previously studied in Vedic culture and comes from the Sanskrit terms of gera (old age) and onto (end of the living being). Even the English word “cough” can easily be traced back to the Sanskrit word kaf or kapha, which refers to phlegm or mucus. The English word “disciple” comes from the Sanskrit deekshapal, meaning one who abides by the lessons taught. And “synonym” also comes from the Sanskrit sama-nama, meaning “similar name.” “Moon” is linked to the Sanskrit term mun, which refers to the mind. Astrologically the moon represents the mind of a person. Also, the day named after the moon is Monday. The English word “ignition” comes from the Sanskrit Agni, referring to fire or god of fire. From the Sanskrit Pitar, the European pronunciation replaces the “p” with an “f” which makes it “fitar,” which becomes “father.” 30. “Sport” is a corruption of the Sanskrit spardh, meaning competing. “Sing” and “song” come from the Sanskrit science of music known as Sangeet. “Regime” comes from the Sanskrit rajyam. “Royal” is from the Sanskrit Raya or Raja, meaning king. “Majesty” is from the Sanskrit Maharaja-asti, meaning High Sovereign. “Mister” comes fromthe Sanskrit Maha-ster, meaning a person of high order. “You” and “we” are forms of the Sanskrit terms yuyam and weyam. “Divinity” comes from the Sanskrit deva-nity, meaning way of life of the devas, or gods. “Diction” comes from the Sanskrit deekshan, meaning guidance. Thus, the word “dictionary” comes from the Sanskrit deekshantary, meaning an aid to resolve difficult words. “Management” and “manager” come from the Sanskrit manje-ment, meaning one whose thinking is devoted to running a concern. “Inspire” comes from the Sanskrit intesphuran, meaning idea coming from within. “Institution” comes from intisdhyan, denoting an organization toward which inspiration is imparted. “Enterprise” comes from the Sanskrit enterpreraj, defined as that which is begun by inspiration. Thus, “entrepreneur” is the perverted form of the Sanskrit enterpreritnar, which means a person who through inspiration began a commercial venture. “Known” and “unknown” come from the Sanskrit jnana (pronounced gyan) and ajnan, which means the same as the English. “Sugar” comes from the Sanskrit shakara. “Hunt” and “hunters” come from Sanskrit hanta, referring to killer, and hantarah, several killers. “Sweat” comes from the Sanskrit swed. The word “Podiatry” (medicine dealing with foot disorders) comes from the Sanskrit term pada, denoting foot. And “pedestrian” comes from the Sanskrit padachara. “Dentist” and “dental” come from the Sanskrit dant, meaning tooth. The prefix para as in parapsychology and paramilitary is Sanskrit. Para means “different kind of.” Rama as in Panorama or cinerama is also Sanskrit. The prefix mal as in malevolent, malpractice, or malignant is Sanskrit which means bad, dirty, or contaminated. The word debt is Sanskrit indicating the amount given. Nouns like “dentistry” and “trigonometry” are from the Sanskrit dant-shastra and tri-guna-matra. Indian/Vedic/Dharmic civilization is the mother of all civilizations. Indian sanskrit - the mother of all languages. Hindu/vedic people migrated to Europe, central asia, Asia, Africa, Russia and other places Vedic civilization was the pre-eminent culture and faith of the entire world in ancient times. It was also prevalent throughout the Pacific region from India to Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, Korea, Indochina, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and farther east and up to Mexico. Eventually, descendants of Hindu/vedic people outside India,, lost touch with their Hindu/vedic traditions. India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of European languages. She was the mother of our philosophy … of our mathematics … of the ideals embodied in Christianity … of self government and democracy…mother India is in many ways the mother of us all. — William Durant. Author of the ten volume, story of civilization. Only a few open-minded people who look at the whole picture will understand the inherent unity the world and what its history contains. Such unity is disturbed only by mankind’s immature, dogmatic, and self-centered feelings for regional and cultural superiority. We have seen this in the propaganda that was effectively used by the Nazis and is presently used by neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups who now employ the modern myth that the original location of the Aryan race was in northern Europe. Source: Knapp, Stephen (2000-02-01). Proof of Vedic Cultures Global Existence
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 14:27:10 +0000

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