Gods Truth, Love, & Joy in Action: Recently, students from ILT - TopicsExpress


Gods Truth, Love, & Joy in Action: Recently, students from ILT gathered at a House of Studies event in El Paso, Texas.The course, taught by Professor Tim Rynearson, covered 1 John and was entitled, Gods Truth, Love & Joy in Action. Rev. Lou Hesse agreed to answer a few questions regarding his experiences. How was the latest House of Studies event? Very informative and a lot of fun; a nice break from the routine. What was the greatest insight you learned about the book of John? Personally, my greatest insight was regarding the fact that the sermon of 1 John is deeply related to Jesus upper room discourse in the Gospel of John. It was fun to explore the inter-relatedness of the Johannine literature in scripture and recognize how well-versed John is in OT imagery. Would you recommend that people attend a House of Studies Event? Of course! It is fun, educational, and greatly enhances collegiality. And this one got a number of people away from the bitter cold of the upper Midwest. It can be interesting to do Bible Study, pool-side, in January -- which we did. What is your favorite thing about the House of Studies? My personal favorite thing is the conversations that occur among the participants, aside from the learning experience. We get to know our classmates as people, with gifts and challenges all their own, warts and all. The activity brings fuller meaning to the phrase mutual conversation and consolation of the saints. Our on-line education experience can only do so much; these kinds of opportunities add another valuable layer to the ILT experience. What did the students do outside of class? Regarding the recent one at El Paso, everyone was staying in the Rasmussen compound, which is an experience in and of itself ...We ate together, had conversations into the night, prayed together, went to Epiphany worship together, and went out to dinner together. For an introvert like me, all the togetherness can be exhausting, so it was fun to crash late in the evening in the room. But I wouldnt change a thing.In Omaha last summer, we had the unique experience of studying the scripture in the womens restroom, which was the designated tornado shelter, when the warning sirens went off as a storm passed over. So you never know exactly what is going to create a memorable moment! That is part of the experience. People share things and you learn things about others in a close gathering like this, that remain with you for a lifetime. There are things confessed and shared that simply arent going to happen except in one-on-one face-time. It can truly be said some of the things of the things that were said in El Paso WILL stay in El Paso. But thats not a bad thing when its mutual conversation and consolation of the saints. We all need that kind of time. More pictures from the event are available here at ILTs Flickr page.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 03:42:18 +0000

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