Gods Word and Gospel is so encouraging! Think about this... How - TopicsExpress


Gods Word and Gospel is so encouraging! Think about this... How you respond to failure will determine whether or not you succeed. Okay, Ive noticed a rather funny truth about life: Once you start something, you open a door for failure at that something... yet we beat ourselves up over the failure and forget the courage we had to start that something in the first place. We only remember the bad and failures of our past, and all the while we neglect to remember the good courage it took to try. And above all we forget this: We forget the FACT that all people WILL FAIL; NO HUMAN IS PERFECT. Heres how this work... If I decide to start to go on a diet and to pursue healthy living, thats a good idea right?!!! Awesome. Okay so lets just say I actually start pursuing this new lifestyle and I go buy the new healthy stuff and I eat healthy for one day.. thats awesome right?!!! Yes! Okay, so heres where humanity kicks in... 2 days into the diet I have a really stressful day and then one night i just blow it, I give in... and eat a whole pizza! And this is how my mind begins to respond to my failure... AWWW NOOOOOOOO!! Im a terrible person. Im no good at life. Ill never succeed at this. Im so weak and worthless.... Blah blah blah woe is me, I failed again.... LOL!! Have you ever done this? You start a great thing (which is awesome!), and you are really trying... but then the moment you fail, thats all you can think about; so in your guilt, shame, and disappointment you just go and fail more and more because you continue to let the feelings of the first failure make you fail more??? See, the right way to respond to failure would have been to think, Hey, Im human. This diet is tough. Ive had a lot on my mind today and i had a weak moment. (Smile and maybe even laugh). Oh well. Im okay, this proves im human. Now Im going to get right back on track RIGHT NOW (not tomorrow or after one more time) and all is great!! This diet will be soooo worth it, but its not supposed to be easy! Lord help me. Amen. Yall, its the same way with your walk with Christ!! You realize living for God is best, most satisfying, and the new lifestyle that you want to pursue; so you begin a relationship with Christ and the Journey starts (by the way any journey will be up and down, hard times and easier times :) )!! So, youre doing great for a few days or weeks and then one night you go back to an old habit (because you were stressed or sad, or whatever the reason) and you feel guilty and ashamed. Look, when you fall and fail as a Christian, you must remember the Gospel, the Good News, and let that encourage you to get back up and keep pursuing God and the most rewarding and satisfying lifestyle known to man!!! The Gospel/ Good News is screaming I love you, I have forgiven you of that failure already! Get back up, keep trying... i have so so much better for you!! Im here to help you!! Dont lay around in shame and guilt, get up. Keep coming!! Heres how God wants you to respond to failure: Believe the Gospel and keep pursuing Gods BEST plan for your life. :D But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind (the past) and straining toward what is ahead - Philippians 3:13
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:09:32 +0000

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