Gods Word for today Thursday, 17 October 2013 St . Ignatius of - TopicsExpress


Gods Word for today Thursday, 17 October 2013 St . Ignatius of Antioch Luke 11,47-54 Woe to you ! Woe to you , because you build tombs for the prophets , and your fathers killed them . So you are witnesses and nods deeds of your fathers , for they slay them , and you build their tombs . Therefore, the Wisdom of God said : I will send them prophets and apostles , and some of them they will kill and persecute you . So this generation will be avenged the blood of all the prophets , which was shed from the foundation of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah , who perished between the altar and the sanctuary . Yes , I tell you , this generation will be avenged. Woe to you , scholars of the law , have taken away the key of knowledge , we do not have set out , and hindered those who want to enter . When he came out from there , the scribes and the Pharisees began to violently insist on him and questioned him of many things. Lay in wait at the same time to catch it on a word. The Pharisees presented a good feeling, looking at your life . For this occurred watching and evaluate other top . Relying on their fathers , masters , teachers , ancestors indicated that they learned from their lives, they created them . Habits that after they have taken over, became a source of encouragement to conduct and fidelity. At the same time the Pharisees did not want to hear about it when Jesus said that the conduct of those to whom they refer without embarrassment , was highly immoral. They killed the prophets , oppressed the poor and the weak , subjugated countrymen , not looking at it that you cry out to God took pity on them. Man does not want in certain situations , to speak the truth about the other, that emotionally , in the pleasant memories for him , is a close relative . However, if you show yourself or your friends , setting an example of moral behavior , it should reveal not only what is actually played in his life , but also an area that is the shadow . Saying that the man was a scientist of high class , by the way silent on the fact that destroying the opposition , in collaboration with the communist regime , and his ruthlessness and brutality led his wife to mental illness . Sometimes we see what we want to see . Create ones image in such a way for others to accept it . He strongly opposes it , saying, Your fathers killed the prophets. Prophets are those who went on a mission from God , preaching the word . It is not easy to tell another person about worries that in the wear , caused by his improper behavior , thus , a lot of people because of him were injured . When a person wants to live honestly, to say what in your conscience and heart discerns the truth , he must reckon with the fact that it will be rejected by some. You have to live in the orbit of Gods influence to have the courage to be a human right , true , consistently fulfill their human and Christian vocation. Great pride in something or someone is sometimes far-fetched . Just like growing up , young man , ashamed that his home are common disturbances , talking about his family secretive about these facts . And it is understandable that it would be totally unnecessary information to their peers , and could expose the young man on the acrimonious remarks . The situation was quite different with respect to the Pharisees. You did not talk about killing the prophets by their fronts . The point is not perished for revenge on the part of Jesus , when he spoke of the events of the past, but in the fact that the truth liberates . Man trying to hide the truth from themselves, contribute to their own corruption , depravity . Whether it is appropriate, when we take our or other past what may be to show friends, as an expression of our uniqueness or originality ? The truth , no matter what it is , should be uttered before God. Do not selectively accept the truths of faith . Some commandments are okay , and others , do not take our mentality and human needs of the time. When you hear about someone who has behaved differently than they think negatively evaluate it for other vision issues , or skip to silence him . Some threaten the conviction that they have a monopoly really . Do not encourage others in their area of sound reasoning , and only expect you to have taken what they have to pass, as the only truth. Imposing a different point of view is his immaturity . It does not include the freedom of man . Highlighting the problem , presenting it to the other person to make a decision , make a choice in the area of your freedom, then we really have in mind the overall development. Is imposing views on others , instead of a solid education and upbringing , it is a form of persecution , and even destruction of their individual sensibility and understanding of the issues , when at the same time acting in good faith ? Jesus says woe to those who know the rules that allow life in intimacy with God , thus leading to his kingdom , and his perfidious manipulation in the affairs of religious , moral, or spiritual - discouraged , and even willing to kick away the religious life. The man who stands at the head of the group , team , the religious community , and the specific rules , these should not be interpreted so that those who hear it , Nebylitsyn able to know God, the Father of Mercy. Religious leaders turned out to be the ones who do not support the pursuit of God, but even they hinder or even make impossible putting the people ( the common people ) not to lift weights , and themselves , one finger s touch not the burdens . s Good to get up and kind of reflection that will not bother others in the development of the inner freedom in life close to God ? The man who refuses to admit his mistakes , sometimes used method of defense against attack . So did the Pharisees who suddenly began to insist on him . Lurks at the same time to go pick up on a word . Maybe not much , but in some cases enough: Im sorry , I made a mistake , God, be merciful to me a sinner , God be merciful to me a sinner.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 09:06:48 +0000

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