Gods Word for today Tuesday, 29 October 2013 Romans - TopicsExpress


Gods Word for today Tuesday, 29 October 2013 Romans 8:18-25 We look forward to meeting I reckon that the sufferings of this present time can not be put on a par with the glory which shall be revealed in us . For the creation waits with eager longing revealing of the sons of God. Creation was subjected to futility - not willingly , but because of Him who subjected it - in the hope that the creation itself will be set free from its slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God . We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail . And not only they , but we ourselves , who have the first fruits of the Spirit , we also groan within ourselves , waiting for - the redemption of our body. In hope we were saved. And hope that [the already ] seen is not hope , because as you might have expected what one sees ? However, if you do not see, we expect something that with perseverance we expect . Paul begins to talk about the meaning of suffering, the sense of pain , anguish . What is the meaning of suffering? What is the meaning of suffering ? What is the meaning of the death of the physical body? If we realize the magnitude of what we are called , what happens to our participation , it must mean little to lift the suffering that our goal has been reached. We know that he who loves not feel the weight of the victim, as it aims to meet love, finding in it . The man who is aware that he is overcome by the love of the Father, does not focus on the sufferings of this present life. Thats what we are going, now gives us a lot of joy and serenity that we feel truly free from fear , from fear , what will it all , what Jesus calls us to eternal life ? Paul speaks to us encouragement that we do not unduly concerned with the current suffering or did not pay them much attention . Experiencing pain as believers , we should never prevent the loss of hope. There is a relationship between suffering and transience . Passing is defined by the term vanity . Passing vanity entails suffering , pain. Such is the condition of all that is created every living thing . Just as a child needs to break away from the mother , out of her womb , to live , and this separation must entail a break , separation , and therefore suffering, the purpose of which is life. The whole creation has been groaning in travail . This sentence contains the meaning of suffering another dimension . You may experience pain as Jesus lived his passion , as a foretaste of life. It then has a positive dimension as giving birth . Paul sees the pain of giving birth to all that is revealed in the irrationality and absurdity of disasters : earthquakes , volcanic eruptions. Everything that we experience as people of faith , is only a foretaste , advance payment . This is accompanied by a groan , waiting , hoping that the total redemption.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 10:50:25 +0000

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