Gods been working overtime on me. Put some things on my heart that - TopicsExpress


Gods been working overtime on me. Put some things on my heart that I need to share. Its horrible that so many children are dying at the hands of the human race. I dont care what color they are..remember the song we used to sing...red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight? What I dont get, and please dont anyone take this wrong..why when something happens to a black child by a white person..their civil rights are violated? Are they not violations if someone of the same color does it? Why isnt someone racing to get media attention when a Hispanic child or Asian child, white child is killed? Their civil rights are just as important. They deserve to have someone jump to their defense too. I guess thats one of the first things that needs to change. Each child who is a victim, deserves a voice. A loud one. Violence against violence doesnt change the outcome..Secondly, I have noticed several young women on my Facebook taking the initiative to step up and advance themselves for their families. I commend you! Never let anyone put you in a place that you feel you arent worthy. Know your worth. God forbid your husband, boyfriend, significant other is killed, dies or leaves. You are very capable of taking those reigns and keeping it together. You may have to make adjustments, you may have to move, not go out to dinner as much, (if at all), wear second hand clothes, work for less than you deserve just to get started on the ladder of success. Ladies, show your daughters that they are not defined by a man in their life..they dont define you. God put you here for a purpose, not to be walked on or sit in society on your pedestal. Part of that reason is to shape our future. Make your legacy..shape it..dont let it make you. Abuse has no boundaries, it doesnt discriminate. It doesnt care what color you are, how much money you make, car you drive or size house you live in. Im sure this is just the first of many posts..
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 00:22:54 +0000

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