...Gods chosen nation was to bear fruit - to carry out his work, - TopicsExpress


...Gods chosen nation was to bear fruit - to carry out his work, to uphold justice. It did bear fruit, but the fruit was bad. Jesus said, Just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. Have we examined our own fruit lately? Is it good or bad - useful or wild? Our pleasures - if they do not have Gods blessing - may destroy us. Leaving God out of our lives allows sin to come in. Pursuing our own pleasure while ignoring or exploiting the needs of others leaves us empty and under Gods anger. God wants us to enjoy life but to avoid those activities that could lead us away from him. Do we know people who are idolized because of there ability to live as they please? Who are our heros? Those who defy God or those who defy the world in order to serve God? Do we know people who arrogantly carry their sins around with them? Others, that their sins have become a burden and wears them out? Are we dragging around a cartload of sins that we refuse to give up? Before we find ourselves worn out and useless, turn to the one who promises to take away our burdens of sin and replace it with a purpose for living that is a joy to fulfill. When people no longer see a distinction between good and evil, destruction soon follows. It is easy for people to say, No one can decide for anyone else what is really right or wrong. But when we start making excuses for our actions, the distinction between right and wrong is broken down. If people do not take Gods Word, the Bible, as their standard, soon ALL moral choices become fuzzy. Without God, we will be headed for a breakdown and much suffering. People today search for meaning to life spurning Gods Word, how sad. We must make not only reading the Bible, but also understanding and obeying it a high priority in our lives. Sin has consequences. Although judgment may not be immediate, eventually there will be punishment...(Isaiah 5)...
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 12:20:30 +0000

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