Godwin Martey, Inspiring Christ Article BUTTERFLY YOUR WORLD! - TopicsExpress


Godwin Martey, Inspiring Christ Article BUTTERFLY YOUR WORLD! Last week a friend who just got married jokingly asked me a very interesting Question, “What will you do if after your wedding, you found out that the photographer couldn’t capture any of the moments, yet his camera was flashing lights all throughout the event; perhaps because the chip storing the pictures got corrupted just when he wanted to transfer the pictures from the camera?” My answer to him was very simple, “Never have one photographer for any prestigious event in your life.” This was a simple conversation that we laughed over, but over the weekend, as I sat on an old grey stone outside my house, watching the trees dancing and giving away their bodies to the gentle evening breeze, the thought of that question re-visited me again, but this time, it was very serious. Do you know this is exactly how so many people run their lives? Why do men fly their Life Craft on one engine? People are born, grow up, go to school, graduate and get a certain job, and they work so hard and diligently with the employer for say, thirty five (35) years until their bones are weary and weak, but their hopes were hanged on a latter end promise the employer gave them to pay them a wholesome; which they call Pension. Time has come and gone, Mr. Pensioner now has four grown-up kids who have to attend various institutions with their school fees costing an arm and a leg. Now his Pension can no longer cater for the needs that surround him, but he didn’t foresee his future to be this bleak, he thought he’ll be rich after retirement and have more than enough to spend, also lately his health too hasn’t been stable, the National Health Insurance unfortunately doesn’t cover all medications. Mr. Pensioner seems to have his world decolorized, lacking the beauty and splendor he anticipated for his old age. I am not knocking out any schemes here, not even a pension, at least it is better than growing into old age with nothing; half a loaf they say is better than none. My concern is this: let us take a look again at the question I was asked about the photographer, if you are having once in a lifetime event and you employed only one photographer and now his camera failed to store images, it means you have lost that event in pictures forever. Now, Life is lived only once, what alternative plans have you put together for your future in life? Being 65 is not far, my dad got there so fast he couldn’t believe himself. Just as the answer I gave to my friend that one must never have one photographer for any prestigious event, you also should not anchor your entire life on one income-paying job. It’s a good start, but not a too-good ending. I once heard that an aircraft runs on four Rolls Royce engines, whether this is an Aviation fact or a mere saying, it sure does make sense. Imagine if you had an over-heated engine while on the road, you would want to pull over and get a mechanic to help you out. However, you don’t enjoy such rare luxury if you were in the air! You and I have to understand that nothing in our lives is on Auto-Pilot except failure. Yes, Failure! It is so easy to fail that you really don’t have to put in any effort. Life is designed to decay by default. Man is born from Womb to Tomb. Everything made gravitates towards failure, rustiness, decomposition, combustion, dustiness etc., and this is the reason why there is maintenance of all kinds. I usually like to illustrate LIFE with a field, if you don’t manicure it diligently, stuffs will still grow on it but trust me, and they will be wild weeds that will cost you extra resources to get rid of. This is why I am concerned about you, let us not run our financial aircraft on one engine, worst still, not a “home-use” engine. For instance, having four Children at the age of 42 and having only one source of income with a Net income of say Two Thousand Cedis (GHS2000) seems to me like a good example of a dangerous aircraft. Open more streams of income, they don’t have to be huge, and that is why they are called “Streams” and not income “Oceans”. Do you know that there are very simple businesses you can set-up that will not require your full attention but with technology and proper structures they can run so well until their cash flow begin to tempt you to even resign your current job? You can trade simple products on Google trader, you can write a simple book and sell on Amazon, you can teach people on weekends a particular subject or skill you have mastered, you can consult for people online, you can freelance writing for publishing houses, you can do telemarketing, e-mail marketing and do referrals for other businesses. This can be a part-time work you do for just 30minutes when you get home after work, or even 30 minutes during your 12-1:00pm Lunch at work. And I don’t agree with you if you say you don’t have time. Nobody has ever had time, even the mad man is busy! When something as critical as our financial future is staring at us with apparent uncertainty, I think we should take it serious. You don’t even have to manage time, I personally don’t believe time can be managed really, I believe what you can manage are activities, it’s all about setting a priority for yourself in ensuring that you do a few extra things that can bring to you some extra coins here and there; little drops of water is said to make an ocean. As a young C.E.O growing a budding and emerging business, I get so busy with so many work activities, but I decided to find a way of making extra income for myself, and here is what I do: where I have my haircut at East Legon, they usually charge Fifteen Ghana Cedis as their least service price. When I started patronizing them, I went there thrice and I said to myself, “this barbering shop is unnecessarily expensive; I can’t keep coming here to give them such an amount every weekend without finding a way to make business from them.” So I met the management of the Grooming Shop and re-negotiated with them that I will be referring high-net worth customers to them and I will take commission on every customer for his first 3 months of patronage. I knew because of my nature of work I meet a lot of high-profile men who trust my brand and personality, and therefore will want to give my referral a try. I have done this for about 3 Months now and the moneys I make as commission from that barbering shop amazes me. Actually I am already thinking of having mine and I won’t need a Loan to get it up, commissions I make from this referral is enough to make me set up mine if I consistently do this referral for say 8 months! And guess what, I don’t feel it, it doesn’t look like a job to me, most weekends, and I send SMSes as a reminder to all my referred customers not to forget to get their hair groomed at that shop. Interestingly, my clients feel good about their service and for them, the amount actually is coins. This is an example of how you have been overlooking some fantastic ideas around you that can increase your income whilst buried in your main job. Listen, the economy all over the world has become so sophisticated that one can no longer be too contented with a “just-enough” mentality, there is a need for a higher level of thinking; where you do not just think about how much you are making now which is sustaining you, but the desire to lay up treasures for your growing kids, and perhaps your unborn ones. If you have been caught in the political deceit that lurks all around the world that a certain politician will make heaven on earth if made the Leader, please sir, kindly wake up from your sleep for it has never been true. No government in the entire world can make you rich! Governments are basically established to organize society, please do not get me wrong, nothing is wrong with one being patriotic and claiming one’s right as a citizen of a country, what I mean is that, even when you have had all your rights given to you, it still won’t make you rich! If you doubt me, then tell me a country you know where “ordinary” citizens have been made rich by Government? Your economy is in your hands, because even though we live in a global economy, each and every one of us has a different Bank Account which is largely controlled by our daily personal financial decisions. We all live in a general “cosmos”, but you and I have different systems that run our lives. This is responsible for the varying figures that pop up when our account numbers are queried on that PC in the Bank. You can change your world, and no matter how good you think it is now, you can make it better. I have found out that many people easily get satisfied with so little as long as it goes around them and their immediate family. The bad news is that once you decide to settle for less, you get even less than you decided to settle for. This is why you and I have to be big; so big that our influence goes beyond our immediate environment. And if your Life hasn’t been as colorful as you want it to be, I want you to know, that the exactness of power to beautify your life simply lies hidden in acting on your decision to do so. Don’t just wish, wishes are intangible, everybody wishes themselves well, but not everyone is doing well. If ten (10) birds were on a tree, and on sighting a hunter, nine (9) of them decided to fly, how many birds are left on the tree? The answer is still ten (10); decisions are not actions! Butterfly your World, begin to think on paper, write down some skills and gifts you have had which can be sold in exchange for cash, look at the free periods you have in your schedules and ask yourself how you can use those minutes in generating more income. I just shared with you one of my numerous streams; barbering shop referral services. Take for instance, a company like Websoft Solutions that builds customized software applications for Banks and other corporate institutions and render so many other I.T services, you can call in on our marketing department to fix a scheduled training for you to gain our product knowledge, then during your free time, you can email-market, source for customers and refer them to our products, then you make good commissions. It’ll amaze you how close you are to good money; all you need is an illumination and an awakening message that has come to you today. Beautify your World, butterfly your world, colorize it, no government, political party or church leader can do it for you, they can only try, but the true power lies latently somewhere inside you. Butterfly your World!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 12:47:42 +0000

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