Godzilla. In 1999, a nuclear plant in Janjira, Japan is destroyed - TopicsExpress


Godzilla. In 1999, a nuclear plant in Janjira, Japan is destroyed by unusual seismic activity, killing some of the plant workers. One of the victims is Sandra Brody, wife of plant supervisor Joe Brody. Joe basically loses his shit and devotes the rest of his life trying to find out what really happened in Janjira. Fifteen years later, Joes son Ford is a US Navy bomb disposal officer with his own family whos tried forgetting his past. His dad gets arrested in Japan, so Ford has to travel down there and help him out. While down in Japan, he and his father discover the truth: a creature, known as a MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) was the one that destroyed the plant and the governments been keeping it under wraps for years. Theyve also been hiding the existence of a monstrous creature known as Godzilla. To make a long story short, there are a lot of plans to stop the MUTO, and a female MUTO that hatches not too long after the male breaks out of its prison, but the one that eventually works is just letting Godzilla beat the living shit out of the both of them. When the trailer dropped for this, I got super excited. Im not gonna act like Im the biggest Godzilla fan, but I do like the creature himself and thought this would be a fantastic film. Boy, was I in for a surprise. It had such a strong start, with Bryan Cranstons role as Joe Brody so impactful, so riveting, so (insert critic word here). I actually felt for him. Then were introduced to boring-ass grown-up Ford who shows no emotion whatsoever. Okay, maybe, like, TWICE he showed emotion, but other than those two times, there wasnt anything special about Aaron-Tyler Johnsons performance. The monster fight scenes were awesome (when they actually showed them), but it just wasnt enough for me. For the most part, I just sat in the theater with a blank expression. Hopefully the sequel and threequel do a better job. Thanks go to Austin VanAlst for requesting this film.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 15:23:59 +0000

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