Godzilla review Now, I think it is pretty safe to say that - TopicsExpress


Godzilla review Now, I think it is pretty safe to say that after the disastrous 1998 Roland Emmerich effort, film fans were certainly not unhappy to hear the news of an upcoming reboot/remake/reinvention (whatever you want to bloody call it). I know I wasnt, although I doubt the hard-core Gojira purists were quite as excited. Also, with Edwards in the directing chair following on from the positive reaction to his modest budget 2010 film Monsters, that certainly was a promising start. First of all, there really is no question as to whether this is an improvement on the last; of course it is. Youd have to sink pretty damn low just for it to be on equal par with the other and would have to be shockingly bad to to be any worse (a feat Bay probably could have achieved if it had gone to him). That being said, I have to say that it never quite raised to the high levels that I was hoping for. Im not saying I didnt like it by any stretch of the imagination. However, I just felt like I wanted more of some things and less of others. As with most big budget monster/disaster films, quality over quantity is always an issue with me. A question brought up with this film often is does Godzilla get enough screen time? My answer would be no, considering the run time of the film. As per usual with this genre of film, it just seems to be packed out with scenes that it could have done without. A lot of it was just pointless plot points that added nothing to it at all. The MUTOs seemed to get more screen time than the title character itself. I dont know if that is actually true but, that certainly is how it felt to me. The story itself was pretty weak to be honest and just felt a bit, well... 90s. I really didnt care about Ford who decided that being a sailor in the wake of a frightening unnatural disaster was more important than getting home to his wife and child (dick!). Cranston was great as always but, I couldnt help but feel that this was nothing more than a thoughtless fun project for him as a distant break from the character that he has become famous for (which I absolutely love). I was just neither here nor there about his character. The normally likable Taylor-Johnson didnt add anything solid to the film but, his character was so boring and unoriginal that he obviously didnt have anything to work with; a waste of talent in regards to both. Im not really on board with all the Fatzilla criticism. Personally I thought that Godzilla looked pretty great but, again thats for the purists to determine. The effects are great, as they should be with todays technology and the films generous budget. Now, admittedly I have given this film quite a bashing. However, I did enjoy it and its main saving grace for me is that it is not just a stand-alone film but, the first of more to come. To that respect, this is a good little franchise starter and I hope that now we have the introduction out the way that the follow-up will have a bit more meat on its bone. The arrogance of men is thinking nature is in their control and not the other way around
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:08:06 +0000

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