God’s Dreadful Timing Honesty is the best policy. Can we - TopicsExpress


God’s Dreadful Timing Honesty is the best policy. Can we admit straight out that God’s timing is dreadful? I don’t mean wrong. No, literally a thing we dread. You and I are ‘doing’ people. I don’t *like* to “wait on the Lord.” I hate it. God’s timing only looks good to us little ones in HINDSIGHT. Am I wrong? Take Christ Quake, the film I’m making. From my perspective it’s green light time! Let’s do this thing! You people have provided much of the needed funds, but not all, so the film is not in the can. I was complaining to Him last week in church. I was physically hurting too much to listen well, probably didn’t belong in a pew. But at least I could pray, and during that prayer His insights seeped into my mind, then flooded. After percolating for a few days, these now seem *lynchpins* of Christ Quake. Concepts that subtly but almost *electrically* amplify the force of the film. Course correction I MIGHT HAVE MISSED. It seems He won’t let me serve the film until it’s properly cooked. Pull the trigger before I perfectly aim. Substitute your own metaphor here. Pray with me? “Father, our secrets thoughts aren’t, and we know it. So, we won’t pretend. We don’t *like* waiting. We don’t *like* that a few hours of prayer may not clarify your intention. Why is it so HARD, Lord? But we know your thoughts are not ours. Your ways higher. We see being small it may take us time to “get it.” Help us, Lord. We want so to get on with it! But we know from your word that’s not how it works. And, we submit now. We will pray and listen until you have made actions clear. And then, Father, we ask you for courage to FOLLOW. As did Lord Jesus. Such an example. In His name we come, amen.” Rick PS: visit christquake, and help make what thousands are praying will be a Kingdom blockbuster. It’s not too late to get in.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:19:46 +0000

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