God’s Restorative Justice If a person commits a heinous - TopicsExpress


God’s Restorative Justice If a person commits a heinous crime, we want Justice! We want the criminal to be caught and punished justly; for the punishment to be equal to the crime. (And sometimes we want the criminal to suffer even more.) God’s Restorative Justice goes far beyond our sense of justice, our sense of fairness, further than our comprehension and understanding. God’s Restorative Justice pays back “evil” with “goodness.” We all fall short of the Kingdom of God, and God loves even the criminal. That doesn’t mean that God loves the criminals words, actions, and deeds, and in no way does it suggest or imply “Universal Forgiveness” even though that is God’s prerogative. And in no way does it suggest or imply that there are not consequences for disobedience and sin. But it is suggesting and implying that God’s Love transcends and surpasses all understanding. Thanks be to God. But God does NOT want the criminal (the sinner/us) separated from Him by sin. God woos, calls, and beckons us back to Him. Coaxing and encouraging us to repentance. When and if we make our free-choice to honestly and sincerely with all our heart repent (convicted of our sins) and ask God for forgiveness – we are forgiven (Saved) and we are shaped into a right-relationship with God - Salvation! Salvation through the Loving, Forgiving, Restorative Grace from God that we do NOT deserve, that we did NOT earn, and that we did NOT merit!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:29:23 +0000

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