God’s Will Crystal: Divinity, what is your will? God: My will - TopicsExpress


God’s Will Crystal: Divinity, what is your will? God: My will is unlimited love. Crystal: What about all this talk that people should align their will with yours? No one seems to understand what your true will is. God: There is no greater Power Source than me. Keep it very simple. When you say that you align your will with mine, you could understand it as aligning your will with unlimited and unconditional love, enlightenment, bliss, and ultimate truth. Crystal: So I am those qualities when I choose to be? God: My will is always with you. Your spirit longs for my will because that is the state that you originally lived in. Your spirit is: God: unlimited, unconditional love, enlightenment, bliss, its level of consciousness is too high to count, it knows an infinite amount of ultimate truth, it is the largest unlimited loving and healing Power Source that is known to humans, and it is the best part of your spirit, and then The You Part: all the memories and knowledge since the beginning of time, and the current level of consciousness of the individual spirit; and the current level of ultimate truth that you know. One has to be at a consciousness level of 200 to start feeling love and me God for them self. It is impossible to feel love for one’s self below 200 on the Map of Consciousness. Below 200 on the map of consciousness is non- truth. Anything below 200 is like living in a state of hell; very primitive thinking. Once you reach 200 all you have to do is choose to be in a state of love, and do the next loving thing. All through time people have come to me asking what my will is for them. I am in their spirit, and in all of life. I do not judge you or your thoughts or actions. I just love you simply the way that you are. You could envision all the good energy and love in the universe, and you would be envisioning me. You are connected to me whether you know it or not. The only time that you move away from feeling me is when you choose to go towards negative energy, go below 200 on the Map of Consciousness. At that time you will receive negative and hurtful results, however small or large they may be. You have the ability to go towards positive energy (me), or go towards negative energy. Whichever direction you go is the result that you will get. Creation is manifested through consciousness. Always be aware of what you are thinking, saying, and doing. At first this will seem difficult. You have not paid attention to your thinking most of your life. The majority of humans will never pay much attention to their thinking. You the reader are not the average human. You are an above average human to be reading this book now. Turn the not paying attention to your thoughts into paying attention to them. Don’t worry; it will get easier. Look at where you are, and what you’re doing; and see if that benefits you. If it does not, change your thinking (Law of Attraction), and change your world. Just remember that I make no demands on you; I simply love you unlimitedly no matter what you do; I never judge you in any way. Judgment is only a part of humans; never God. - Crystal Camille
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 21:22:53 +0000

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