God’s providence is God’s carrying out what God has eternally - TopicsExpress


God’s providence is God’s carrying out what God has eternally decided to do in all things. This applies to the whole of nature and life, to human decisions, and to the ultimate course of history. There is no role for fortune or change, but to see that all things are ordained by God. John Calvin wrote, “ignorance of providence is the ultimate of all miseries; the highest blessedness lies in the knowledge of it”. God’s providence sustains us in both good times and bad. Providence makes us grateful. All we have and are comes from God. God cares for us and loves us. In adversity we can be patient, trusting God’s will and purposes to work for good. When we suffer injustice or miseries, our faith remains. Most practically, providence frees us from worry about the future. No fears are fatal if we believe that even when the world appears to be aimlessly tumbled about, the Lord is everywhere at work. We can trust that God’s work will be for our welfare. This is the great comfort and hope of God’s providence for us and for our world. [Ideas from Calvin’s Institutes]
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 10:39:18 +0000

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