Goeie Dag Mense - ek vra help vir hierdie mamma en pappa. Hulle - TopicsExpress


Goeie Dag Mense - ek vra help vir hierdie mamma en pappa. Hulle het hulle klein seuntjie so lief, en vra vir gebede vir hulle seuntjie en die wat kan help om asb te help. As julle klaar die storie gelees het kyk na die video hulle het regtig hulle seuntjie baie lief. Hier is hulle storie Our son baby Rainhard was born on 2 January 2015 with a heart condition the first is called transposition of the arteries and the second is called a criss-cross heart, even though we have medical aid (medical insurance) they do not cover everything and we would like to give our baby boy the best chance of living. On top of the fact that baby Rainhard has these heart conditions was also born with another defect in his throat called OA/TOF--Oesophageal Atresia/Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula and already had an operation to have this fixed when he was 7 days old. With his heart condition (Transposition of The Great Arteries - TGA) the doctors said that with this condition he would be able to live a normal life but the problem with him is his artery that pumps blood to his lungs is a lot smaller (thinner) then the artery that pumps blood to his body and brain and therefore he does not get enough blood to his lungs, along with this he has a small hole between his top left and right heart chambers and he also has a whole between his bottom left and right heart chambers. Currently Baby Rainhard is on a medication called prostin, this medicine is given to him every 24 hours and cost R2000.00 roughly $200.00 a shot not to even mention the cost of keeping him in hospital and all other medication he is on. The doctors need to get him off of this medicine but every time they have tried they were unsuccessful and baby Rainhard needs to be moved to another hospital that is better equipped for heart surgeries and he needs a surgery to be able to stop the prostin. The big problem with the prostin at the moment is that he is getting a lot of side effects from this medicine. Baby Rainhard is critically ill and in this short time that he has been with us there has been a few times already that doctors said to us there are chances that he wont make it and then he pulls through, he is so special to us and he has already inspired so many people in his few days here with us and we would appreciate any help to get our little boy the best care possible. Below are some descriptions of his conditions (please note these might not be 100% accurate I am not a doctor and I can only explain as well as I understand from the doctors and what I was able to read up on the internet. To give you some more background about us the parents and why we are asking for help During the pregnancy they picked up that Rainhard had a slow heart beat our gynaecologist then asked that Joraine (mommy) had to come in once a week for a check-up, we had to pay for these appointments in cash. We also went for a heart sonar to see if they could see anything wrong with his heart and we had to pay for that in cash. Unfortunately they could not pick up the exact problem at that time. Last year august I had an accident while playing action cricket for my companys action cricket team, when I got hit in the face with a cricket ball. I broke my eye socket, broke my nose in two places, fractured my jaw bone and fractured my cheek bone. At that time I had just changed over to a new medical and my cover only started from the next week, so the first weeks cost of staying in hospital and all medical care had to be paid in cash. During this time I was admitted in hospital 3 times and had multiple operations and even though the medical aid covered a lot there where and still are many bills that we need to pay for ourselves, my eye got severely damaged by the cricket ball and even now still I have to go to the eye specialist on a regular basis and these consultations needs to be paid in cash. You see it has been quite a tough time for us with medical expenses, and all we want is to ensure that our baby will be able to get the best care he possibly can without having to worry about what it is going to cost. These parents love their child so much they had him christened in hospital and arranged for close family member to go in and be there for the christening se the video here: https://youtube/watch?v=uCk0x-LILjE&feature=youtu.be For those of you who wants to follow baby Rainhards story - you can invite the father on facebook here: https://facebook/gerhard.bruyn?fref=ts For those who would like to donate something to the family you can do it here. https://life.indiegogo/fundraisers/baby-rainhard-medical-fund Condition 1 EA/TEF stands for Esophageal Atresia/Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula (outside of the US, it is called OA/TOF--Oesophageal Atresia/Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula). The exact numbers are not known, but it is a rare congenital birth defect which affects approximately 1 in 2,500 to 3,500 babies. With EA/TEF, a baby is unable to swallow, and may also have trouble breathing. Condition 2 Criss-cross heart (CCH), or superoinferior ventricles, is a complex congenital rotational abnormality in which the systemic and pulmonary venous streams cross at the atrioventricular (AV) level without mixing. Its frequency is less than 8/1000000 and accounts for
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:00:58 +0000

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