Going For Jihad in Syria ?? .. FBI Online. By : Musa Cerantonio - TopicsExpress


Going For Jihad in Syria ?? .. FBI Online. By : Musa Cerantonio II Options for this story Finally... Nusaybah is confirmed to have been an FBI agent and her page as being ran by the FBI Most of you will remember the scandal when a person calling herself Nusaybah Macdonald was exposed on my former page as being a spy, something that I and others picked up on when we realised that the information she was giving about herself did not at all add up. Around that same time a brother of ours named Javed Sheikh who was in contact with Nusaybah had been arrested after being set up by the FBI online. It was clear that someone he knew online was the spy and since we had caught Nusaybah lying it became clear eventually that she was the spy and was working for the FBI. When we first announced this the vast majority of people quickly cut off all ties from Nusaybah and saw that she was a fraud, however there remained a small and vocal minority who began to abuse us for exposing her, suggesting that she was in fact a nurse in Syria as she described herself. Maybe it was because she seemed true to them as she posted every day about Jihad and her love for Usamah bin Ladin and constant updates about Syria. This showed how even when she was exposed, still some people were gullible enough to fall for her lies, and this is what we must be careful of brothers and sisters. Even if you are not sure about a person, and of course we never wish to falsely accuse any Muslim who is in fact innocent, but when it is clear that there is doubt about a person - STAY AWAY from them. The main message we had tried to get across which we hope is understood by now is to NOT talk to ANYONE on Facebook about going for Jihad or going to Syria. Dont even message me about it, I wont respond to you because it would be stupid to do so. The internet is not a place to speak about such things. There is no problem in sharing news, but if you wake up one day and decide all of a sudden that you want to go to Syria for humanitarian work or whatever else, the stupidest thing that you could do is to talk about it online, and if you do this you may as well just walk into a local police office and hand yourself in. It has been shown that Nusaybah fooled many into believing that she was legitimate, and many fell for this, showing how easy people can be fooled. Here people are thinking that they are talking to a Jihadi Muslim who loves Allah, when in fact it is a lying FBI agent trying to get you behind bars. For those wanting to see the evidence you may read this article which states clearly and beyond doubt that Nusaybah was the rat - wral/judge-to-weigh-gov-t-secrets-in-nc-terror-case/13306650/ When she was exposed she first tried to claim that an Australian brother (Ahla Suriya) was the spy and not her. I defended the brother and now we all know beyond doubt that he was innocent and she was the spy. She also spent her time attacking me with post after post, and whilst I could not care about this as she could say whatever she wished for I know it was all nonsense, it is a reminder to us that the FBI, the US government actually wastes their time employing people to sit here on Facebook attacking me, attacking other Muslims and trying to harm the Religion of Allah. This is why we first of all must be wise and be patient when it comes to ourselves, yes when you dedicate yourself to the service of Islam you will be attacked, and you will have to put your head down and remember not to give up, but we must realise as well that the enemies of Islam will do anything to attack us. Nusaybah still has a page on Facebook, I doubt that it will last long but for those who are friends with the person or have fallen for her lies, this is her profile - https://facebook/nusaybah.bintkaab Now be aware, Nusaybah is not the only spy online. Whoever runs that page will be back with a new identity. Maybe next time she will pretend to be Hamid the Afghani Mujahid who has migrated to Syria, or Abdul-Karim the Somali from Kenya who supports Al-Shabaab. Be aware of this and do not trust any random person you meet online. I am aware that last time I posted about Nusaybah my page was deleted, and there is a chance that it will happen again. If so I will make a new page in my name, and for those who doubt that the kuffar are active on Facebook trying to silence the Haqq then you can see for yourselves how they work. Do not forget our brother Javed and his family in your duaa, may Allah protect him and free him from their hands. Do not let yourself fall into the same trap that he did.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 01:47:31 +0000

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