Going On Hoping For quite some time now, I have been observing - TopicsExpress


Going On Hoping For quite some time now, I have been observing human behaviour and in particular, an unhealthy trait of the unwillingness or lack of courage to face reality, or what is actually happening in front of us. The term I use is “Going On Hoping” and it implies, that if I do nothing, somehow, miraculously, the problem or situation will go away and everything will revert to normal. Ahem…. is this not a little like the ostrich that puts its head in the sand, believing it cannot be seen? Have we not all been a little (or lot) guilty of sitting on our hands, hoping things will change with politics, climate change, rampant destruction of Nature, injustices, inequality, greed, separateness and corruption, to name a few? Going on hoping that somehow, someday, it will all get better? Well it won’t folks and it isn’t, not all on it’s own that is. There is no magic wand that we as a species, can wave over the Earth and all our woes, personally, community wise, as a nation and globally, will suddenly, inexplicably disappear, so don’t hold you breath waiting for this to happen. All the time we go on hoping, the few rotten apples will continue to taint the rest of the good apples in the barrel and we finish up with a barrel full of rotten apples. Instead, we have to make it happen, starting with ourselves, in the same manner, as we have made constructive changes in the past. So muster up your courage and take action, peaceful, non-violent action, to remedy: • Any personal situation that no longer serves you, • Any conflict within your relationships, family, your immediate community, business or groups, • The bigger, conflicting picture of all the non-workable systems or processes that impact on us as a human family • That which degrades and is unsustainable towards other life forms and our precious Mother Earth. Only when we step up to the plate and contribute to the much-needed changes, will we see, feel and be part of the new humanity emerging. Hope becomes a reality, not when we just go on hoping, but when we make it happen. With hope and love, Rick
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 02:35:50 +0000

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