Going down memory lane and i remember how once upon a time my - TopicsExpress


Going down memory lane and i remember how once upon a time my mothers wardrobe was once my wardrobe.i wore mums clothes for so long probably past my teenage life.i was laughed at and mocked by people i once considered friends.i couldnt attend teenage functions because my parents couldnt afford to get me the trendiest clothes at that time.mum would buy my siblings some clothes and i was told i am older and should wait for my time,which never came.lol. I remember one part of my life when we ate soya poridge breakfast,lunch and supper because we couldnt afford to buy anything else.i would get hungry at school and during lunch i would become a class joker so that i could beg my way for some food.for a long time i remained skinny and was called lollipop head because my head and hair was too big for my body.lol. I remember wearing one over sized shoe my whole entire high school life while my friends bought shoes every term. I can go on and on about what i have been through but thats not the point. I had one thing that most of my friends didnt have,brains.not just intelligence but brains that helped me think of how to be a better person financially,spiritually etc. Right after school,i joined mum in supplying beans and cabbages to prisons.we supplied stationery to the council and other organisations and what ever profit we made,i saved in my savings account.oh and i did my first shopping of clothes at salaula.i was so excited to finally own my very own clothes and not hand me downs from mum.lol.it wasnt trendy clothes i was getting,had to get clothes i could wear to peoples offices to push for orders and payments.eye was on the ball. Anyway,While doing that, i became a waitress at a trendy bar in lusaka at that time for a month.i raised enough to go and get a diploma in socialwork because despite my hardships in life,i still hard a heart for those less priviledged than i was. While doing my diploma,i still continued to supply and by the time i was done,i had been accepted to university to pursue my degree in another town. I wasnt on the ground in my supplying business because i had to be at school.i then started selling anything i thought would make me some grocery money.this varied from jewellery to clothes.it wasnt easy but i did it. Now i look at my life and thank mum for not buying me those clothes.i thank all those friends that laughed and mocked me,i thank all those guys that didnt want to date me at that time,i thank all those lecturers that gave me hell at school.but most of all i thank God for letting his will be done in my life and not mine.if i had everything i wanted at that time i would not be the goal oriented person i am today.i am independent and come rain or sunshine i can stand alone.thats a summary of my life,i hope it inspires someone to be better than what they are now.use your negative situations to make positive situations in your life.all i had was my lollipop head and mouth to get me places.and it did....have a blessed week yall peace!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 11:33:49 +0000

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