Going from group home to group home and being tested daily made me - TopicsExpress


Going from group home to group home and being tested daily made me tough I thought living in a foster home was going to be easy, but it turned out to be even more rough When I was younger, my family and I were returning home from a camping trip and were involved in a car accident that sent me flying through the windshield My brother also suffered serious injuries, but both of our parents were instantly killed After I recovered from my injuries, my brother and I were separated The family I currently live with took me and treated me like their own, even though we werent related It wasnt until high school that things slowly started falling apart and my life started going down hill I started to kick it with the wrong people and I started smoking weed and popping pills Ten years have passed since my family and I were together so because I yearned for that same feeling, I decided to join a gang Even though my foster parents made me feel safe, once I turned 17 I started to bang I did my best to stay out of trouble, but I ended up behind bars One of my boys and I thought it would be funny to go out and steal a police car My antics garnered me respect among my peers and the OGs said that I had heart I wasnt very good when it came to school, but the homies liked that I was street smart Even though I had gained respect from the older cats, I still had to put in work in order to earn my stripes One of my boys started describing a rival that they wanted me to snipe I had never shot a gun before, but I had to do what needed to be done in order 2 be down with the set When I tried to walk around with my blue bandanna one of the OGs snatched it away and told me that I hadnt put any work in yet My boy Chris told me that I would have to take out this rival who lived on the other side of town He told me that completing my mission would be the only way theyll consider me being down I nodded in agreement and inquired as to where I can get a glock Chris told me that his cousin Khen sold guns, so he told me that he would buy me one, and drop it off by the crib around 8 oclock As the sun set and the time quickly passed by I threw on a pair of dickies, a white t, and a belt that was as blue as the sky Chris and two of the homies picked me up around 8:15 in a pimped out Lexus Chris had been informed that the intended target was having dinner over on North Texas We made our way across town and Chris dropped me off a block away He told me to hide in the alley by the diner and directed the other two shooters to stay I made my way by the diner and tried my best not to be exposed I glanced at my watch several times because it was almost 9 oclock and the diner was supposed to close I reached into my waistband and placed my hand around the gun ready to shoot on sight I peered around the side of the wall several times doing my best to conceal myself from the light I looked up after hearing a noise and one of the residents in the apartment above asked what I was doing I looked up and told him to be quiet and to keep it moving Chris signaled to me that my target was standing outside He had his back to me so I assumed that he was waiting for his ride I slowly walked towards him, took out my gun, and fired several shots Before he had a chance to turn around I saw his body drop He was wearing a red baseball cap and a 49er jacket so I was thankful I didnt miss Just to make sure I hit my intended target, I looked over and received a thumbs up by Chris I made my way towards the body and I glanced down at my victims face My heart stopped because I noticed that it was my older brother Chase I hadnt even seen my brother in ten years Hoping to increase my rep, I never would have thought that I would be reduced to tears I couldnt believe that I had shot and killed someone who would never do me any harm When I turned his body over to get a better look My heart stopped once again when I noticed a dead baby girl that he had embedded in his arms
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 02:13:26 +0000

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