Going live to Ferguson Mo. today to our guy on the ground. Local - TopicsExpress


Going live to Ferguson Mo. today to our guy on the ground. Local academic with a law degree who lives a block and a half from ground zero. Speaking of which: If my white friends want to call me a n****r lover then please come on out and say it. At least Mike from Georgetown had the stones to post it outright. But posting that I apparently love black people who steal and rob... is just chicken heart slack jawed behavior. Its also intellectually dishonest. Ive been consistent in saying that a mob must be put down. Unfortunate but real. What I have also consistently been trying to say is that its not getting us anywhere to dismiss the protesters outright, or to paint all of them with a broad brush. I try to love all people, thats what the Nazarene taught us. Humanist, mystic or theist we should all agree that following the teachings of Christ would make the world a better place. Second, I have been subjected to hate and violence because of my skin color and while in uniform. I fully support the officer survival movement and the right of cops to defend themselves. Ferguson aint about black and white to me, its about wrong and right. Its about a part of the country with a history and unhealed wounds and a glimpse into a national issue that only some Americans see. Yes, I was a rent-a-cop, only having arrest powers through licensing and contract. Yes I did walk National Capitol Public and Assisted housing when D.C. was the murder capitol of America ( 92 ) and I know that most people in the high density areas are just poor, not thugs. There are two sides to this story, so hating me for telling the side you wont hear form the national conservative talkers is not hurting me. Thats not how resentment works. #increasethepeace
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:47:58 +0000

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