Going through my cousin Enitan Rotimis wall this evening, I saw - TopicsExpress


Going through my cousin Enitan Rotimis wall this evening, I saw this interesting piece from his 2010 Christmas experience...... Enjoy; Got off the Wall street bus from Jackson NJ and was walking to my office 3 blocks away. I didn’t know death was sneaking up behind me. This time, it was in the form of a New York City Taxi. The driver was unconscious and the SUV was veering off the road unto the sidewalk I was walking on. The bulletproof partition separating the passengers from the driver would prevent any of them from steering the vehicle away from my back. The lighted billboard ahead of me flashed a tempting message: The Mega Million Jackpot is $123 Million. The SUV closed up behind me as I debated in my mind whether or not it is a sin to play the Mega lottery. Maybe God will let me win this one. “It’s only one dollar.” I bargained like a child begging his parents for a toy. “Christmas is one week away and I’ve been a good Christian year so I deserve a present. Think what I can do for the Church, the hungry, the homeless. etc..” I said “etc” to cover the other - not so altruistic things I would do with the money if I won. See, when trying to convince God to bless you by breaking his no gambling rule, you leave out the “etc” and hope he doesn’t notice. I stepped to the left for some strange reason. Probably a subconscious attempt to sidestep the holes in my argument. Suddenly, I felt something brush my right elbow. Not painful, just annoying enough to make you to say some “unholy things” to the rude person who roughly brushed you on an empty sidewalk. So I turned to exercise my right to free speech. I don’t expect them to understand everything I say in anger because my Nigerian accent comes out when I’m excited. It ranges from mild “Akara” accent to undiluted “Agbero”, depending on the level of excitement. Later, I will convince myself that it’s not a sin if the other person does not understand the unholy things you said. I swung right and I saw a fast moving large yellow mass swoosh past my face. I quickly realized it was the front quarter panel of a yellow SUV that brushed my elbow. It crashed into the construction scaffolding in front of me. The impact lifted the pedestrian traffic light from its concrete base and tossed it on its side. I saw the SUV airbags fully deployed. The driver’s head tossed back and listless. His left hand was jerking in spasms. My anger left instantly. Words of prayer and gratitude flew out my mouth. I believe God fully understands what I was saying, accent or no accent. I looked at the mangled metal and the 300+ pound traffic light tossed to the side and thought: “that could have been me. $123 Million means nothing to the dead. I got my Christmas present. I’m alive and well. I will live enter 2011 in good health to fulfill my purpose here on earth.” Dec 20, 2010
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:53:10 +0000

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