Going to be trying to give a little more explaination with on - TopicsExpress


Going to be trying to give a little more explaination with on these posts to clear somethings up. Please comment if ever have any questions. Back/Hams/Calves -50 wide grip pullups, when I do these I am not concerned with how many sets it takes me but rather the quality of each contraction and stretching of the lats. I use versa grips, they dont take as long as regular straps to get set up. -Narrow Pulldown using Vbar SS with Cable Pullovers When I do the narrow pulldowns I really try to focus on keeping my body at a 90 degree position and not leaning back, when you pull down focus on keeping your elbows in and select a weight that you can control all the way down to your sternum. The combination of the pulldowns with the pullovers should light your lower lats up like crazy. I did this 4x15 each. -Tbar Row SS Hammer Machine Row. You can either use a barbell for the tbar row, or you can use a machine if your gym has one. I like to switch up if my lower back is fatigued. On both of these lifting I try to isolate my lower lats, on the Tbar focus on pulling your hands to your hips, and for the Hammer row set up the seat that you pulling low instead of high. I did this 4x10 each. -Hammer Machine Dead Lifts. I rotate btw hammer, hex, and barbell deads just to keep it fresh. I am doing hammer today bc my lower back is bothering me and I can focus more on keeping my chest high and squeezing my upper back and the top of the contraction. For Hammer Deads I did a pyramid of 10 8 8 6. -Glute Ham machine, focusing on driving your foot all the way up in a controlled motion and squeezing every single rep for a count of one at the top of the contraction. I did this 4x25. -Dumbbell Straight leg dead, with the dumbbells you are allittle farther forward than with the bar so it hits the hammies a little differently. I did this 4x12 -Cable straight leg deads, I like to use the cables to finish off this routine bc the contraction and constant tension on the muscle is extremely intense. I did these for 4x12. -Seated Calf raise -choose a weight that you can do 8-10 times, after 8-10 reps peal wieght off and do another 8-10 reps, and then peal all the wieght off and go til failure. (IMPORTANT) Any clown and throw a bunch of weight on and do crappy reps. Make sure that you are stretching the calf all the way on the bottom of the rep and at the peak of contraction try to have a one count. Did 4 sets of these.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:32:07 +0000

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