Going to share and eye opening experience that I had yesterday! In - TopicsExpress


Going to share and eye opening experience that I had yesterday! In my walk with Christ I have learned that you sometimes have to step out of your comfort zone and as many may know one of my out of comfort zone tasks are praying with a large group! But I have stepped out and done this a few time and was honored to step out yesterday when asked to pray with the Meigs 3rd and 4th grade bbyfl team. Honestly when asked at first was looking around for someone else to do it and then thought well I will just wing it. When walking over to the team I was think what will I say and how great it is they are praying before the game! But was not praying and asking God to lead me and to speak his words as I usually do when asked to speak in a group! When I started to pray I asked for a bubble of protection over our boys and then honestly my mined went blank and I struggled for the words to speak! When I was done I was embarrassed walking back to my seat I said God what happened I had no word flowing out to these boys and to you? And God spoke to me and said how did winging it work for you? POINT TAKEN DO NOTHING in life without seeking the Lords guidance we need to follow him in everything we do dont just wing it God Bless you all my friends and hope and pray this helps someone!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:36:57 +0000

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