Goke Omisore opines in this piece that victory for the - TopicsExpress


Goke Omisore opines in this piece that victory for the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari in the upcoming general elections is the last chance for Nigerians to get it right politically. Is this a dream or reality on the horizon or wishful thinking? But, if not now, when? If not Buhari, who? If the truth be damned, Retired Gen.Mohammadu Buhari, is the last upright man standing in our land today. Poor man, how lonely can you get, on this challenging onerous task of cleansing our nation, though with a motley of whispering voice of supporters, against our legion of vices? Whose voices are barely audible but incognito. Leadership by exemplary life. But, to Muhammadu Buhari; integrity, forthrightness and humility is a way of life well spent, crowding his seventies. THE MAN, THE RETIRED GENERAL, MUST BE A SAINT IN OUR BEDEVILED-WELL-WORN-LAND-OF-CORRUPTION. WHERE THE CULTURE OF RECKLESSNESS WITH IMPUNITY REIGNS UNFETTERED, AND OFTEN CELEBRATED, MOSTLY IN HIGH PLACES! In this lowly-land of corruption and endless seeming contradictions. Here, the tail wags the dog, shamelessly and recklessly. Saints are drowned in the cacophony of lesser gods, the hardly but forever preferred nonentity of the Clown-order, been crowned in all facet of our lives, it is most thrilling and full of intrigues. I salute you, and all you stand for, but I do not envy you. CRUX OF THE MATTER: I am not talking about financial recklessness, damned-up behind Psychiatric-accumulation of unnecessary monies, not wealth, wealth is too clean to be associated with such lunacy. We are the maddening -Crowd, Thomas Hardy: The brilliant English writer of yore, must have had us in mind when he coined those immortal words. We can enact laws to arrest the bleeding of our common-wealth but where do we begin to legislate morality of a rotten culture that reigns in the land in all tribes and tongues amongst all men, women, even amongst our children? We have perfected a shameless culture of corruption in all things to an acceptable norm; herein lies the challenge. In order to be able to cure this devastating plague on our culture, I hereby appeal, to whatever is left of the nation’s conscience, not only to vote enmasse for Buhari, but to anoint him. Vox populi, vox dei: The voice of the people, is the voice of the Lord. In a spiritual sense, a la -Jesus Christ and the most referred Muhammed, to atone for our legion of wrong doings we revel in, in this poor land. “A day will come, Nigerian masses from the north and south, Christians, Muslims, Animist will merge as a force for progress and unity and kick against rigging, corruption and tyranny.” The Oracle in the sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo couldn’t have been more precisely prophetic than this gathering storm of hope that is about to sweep the land. LET US COLLECTIVELY FORGE A NATION FROM THE RUINS OF THE PAST; THERE IS HOPE. KEEP HOPE ALIVE, LET US HAVE A CHANGE; A PARADIGM SHIFT SHOULD BE IN FOCUS. Years back, we were lamenting on Brain-drain. Our people leaving in droves to greener pastures. NOW, LET’S TALK ABOUT VALUE-DRAIN AND THE CONSEQUENCES AND GRAVITY OF OUR LOSSES! The truth and honour left us and sought refuge in Ghana and other climes. Trust was slaughtered on the altar of favors. Betrayal is the common thing and the cheapest commodity in the land today. Naira took a capital flight and still floating aimlessly and losing value daily. The most painful of all, peace left us in a serial of daily indiscriminate, sacrifice of gruesome murder by Jihadists in the land. We had all thought and could have sworn by the Bible or the Koran; that this ruining theater of absurdities and such war, was a staple of the other climes that disgust our senses and consciences on CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS! As human-beings, our constitution seems altered and benumbed; our innocence has been shredded on the alter of greed; inflamed by insane religious passion; tainted by political vaunting ambitions. Who are we? where are we headed for? If not for the Armageddon, as we callously implode, to disintegrate? Hell was let loose since Buhari lost the last presidential election. The unpatriotic and that most unfortunate statement he detonated in anger, remains a tainted spot on his political CV. When he was wound-gathering, he said that which was pregnant with unpredictable consequences, that still resonates in every nook and cranny of the land till today. Was the course of justice served then or now? Will the gods of violence in the land be appeased if he wins what may be our LAST ELECTION OF HOPE ON GREATER NIGERIA? OR, A VEILED NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON THE UNITY OF A DYING NATION? OTHERWISE, WE SHOULD BREAK-UP TO MAKE UP A TRUE FISCAL FEDERATION. A pertinent question begging for a profound answer. My position, no prize is too much for peace, justice and prosperity in the land. We can ill- afford, a day longer of this treacherous misadventures, with dwindling oil prices worsened by political recklessness in the land. WHO FITS, TO BELL THE CAT? WHO THE CAP FITS; LET HIM WEAR IT RESPONSIBLY. The plot of political-contraction that threw- up Chief Olu Falae and Retired General Olusegun Obasanjo as leading presidential candidates in our compromised election then, was not by accident but a deft political abracadabra by the clique of evil-geniuses who own the land; to appease the wounded Yorubas who mounted a most civilised and unrelenting agitation that rocked the conscience of the nation and the world at large. It was a purchase of peace, well orchestrated. I will say, it was worth it. The nation was reconciled, as we tottered along in nationhood. If the truth be told, we must keep paying such political-prices, until the furnace of nationhood that will wrought a true federation emerges. So, Kudos to the architects of this political mega-merger; posterity will judge Bola Ahmed Tinubu and company kindly for their noble role of bridge-building across the Niger. Gen Mohammadu Buhari, all I need from you is: A PROMISSORY NOTE OF HONOR, ON VALUES YOU HOLD DEAR, AND OUR COLLECTIVE DREAM OF A GREATER NIGERIA; DEVOID OF POLITICAL RHETORIC AND THE THEATRICS OF RENTED-CROWD. That will earn you my treasured one man vote and legion of others. We are tired of kindergarten baby-steps on analogue lane in a digital world, where the best brains only dare compete. We are starved of corrective leadership by example and bored stiff of rocking-chair, vision-less rulers, who barely know where they are, talk less of where to take others or the nation. It’s noon-time to celebrate merit. High-time we brought in trust from the roasting-heat of despair. Sanity in orderliness and rule of law are common denominators for justice and peace. There is no discounting these profound ingredients of progress. Here then, prosperity based on common-wealth, common-values for the betterment of all is a realizable dream. Sir, if elected in this next election, please expunge the most devastating but tail-end of corruption; take our excess luggages and noise of insignificant value in government out of this rotten system. A CULTURE OF SIMPLICITY MR.PRESIDENT, SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ALONGSIDE VERY AUSTERE CELEBRATIONS IN GOVERNMENT AT ALL LEVELS; WASTEFUL CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES AND SUCH OTHER NOISE BE FILTERED OUT. Let us rob our political clime of the mundane nuances and inadequacy in men of straw, ruling us like demi-gods should stop, parading our nation services with unearned titles, frills and thrills fit only for mediocres in Banana-Republic. Earn your wings and the grateful nation in us will celebrate you. Honors after, not before or while in service. METHINKS, THE SNORING ON THE DESK OF HARD-WORK SHOULD BE OVER WITH YOUR ELECTION. WE ARE YEARNING TO BE LED. THEREIN LIES THE CRUX OF YOUR VICTORY. I humbly submit. It will be recalled that President Goodluck Jonathan recently warned Nigerians against voting for Gen. Buhari in the upcoming elections.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:53:47 +0000

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:0px; min-height:30px;"> As always, Julian Burnside hits the nail on the head. "Australia

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