Golden Love: When my husband and I were dating, we found that we - TopicsExpress


Golden Love: When my husband and I were dating, we found that we had a lot in common, especially music. One song in particular we shared a common love for was Chrisette Michelles Golden. We both admitted that we longed for the kind of love she talks about in this song. Golden love is real. Its not superficial. It stands the test of time. It is for better or for worse. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:7). Due to the fact that it was difficult to find this and ultimately believing that it doesnt exist, neither of us saw ourselves married in the future. As a matter of fact, we were both content with being single. We each adopted this way of thinking because we both believed that Golden love was dead. In my mind, every man cheated and marriage never lasts. In his mind, every girl was superficial and always had a hidden and selfish agenda. Those were our realities. But then we re-met each other. He really was a breath of fresh air for me. He was completely different from most of the men I dated. As time went on, we never forced our relationship. We each consulted God about it and let our relationship form organically. When we discussed marriage, we each said that divorce was not an option. This way of thinking was very important for the both of us to understand and commit to before saying I Do. My point is this: true love is not a game. It is real and it is out there. It has its difficult moments but the good will always outshine the bad. It is something that God created and it cannot be destroyed. Dont let tv and life experiences teach you otherwise. Thats what the Devil wants you to believe. God ordained marriage so its only natural for the devil to want to destroy it. Our generation has been witness to so many ungodly unions that it has completely soured the ideal of marriage for us. This is not what God wants. The Bible talks about marriage in so many scriptures. Its important to God. The Bible even states that the love a husband has for his wife should be the same love Christ has for the church (Ephesians 5: 22-33). Ponder on that for a moment....
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:47:58 +0000

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