Golden Teaching of Great Gurus Chapter - TopicsExpress


Golden Teaching of Great Gurus Chapter Eighteen WTV-19 LJC 16 THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, KARMA AND REINCARNATION ~Dictated by Lord Jesus Christ 1973~ There are laws that operate in the world which should be studied and fully understood by man because by living in harmony with these laws, he can hasten his arrival at the level of perfection. These laws do not only operate in some parts of the world but in all places, and they encompass the acts of all creatures in the world, and thus they are regarded as laws of God. One of these laws is the law of attraction. According to this law, like forces attract each other, and unlike forces repel. You will see the operation of the law of attraction from the smallest expression of life to the largest. For example, you know from science that there are electrons that separate from some atoms but attach to others; you also know from your experience that there are persons whom who desire to be with and others whom you indistinctly avoid. The explanation for this is the universal law of attraction which you should fully understand because it has much to teach about the things that happen in surroundings, and also many applications in daily living. If the law of attraction is understood, man will know how important it is to harmonize and put himself in order because whatever he is at present, the same will be the persons and opportunities attracted to him, and the same will be his surroundings. If there is disharmony in his surroundings, it means that there is disharmony in himself. Unlike forces do not attract each other, and that is why whatever thing commonly predominates in one surroundings is an effective mirror that one can use to see and understand his present nature. Because of the law of attraction, the things that you always think of and desire will be attracted to you. The law of attraction is the one that gives the opportunities for you to fulfill your thoughts and desires. If these are purely selfish and materialistic, then the law of attraction will also be the one to push you to the low planes. The law of attraction will become a heavy burden in your advancement if you are not careful with your thoughts and desires. But these same law can also serve as an effective tool that you can use to advance yourself and the surroundings, if you have understanding. By means of the law of attraction, you will easily find and understand the teaching and knowledge that have a bearing on your object of study if you are diligent in your study. Because you aspire for wisdom, the law of attraction will link you to wisdom. As you constantly put yourself into order you also put your surroundings into order because any disharmony in it will not be attracted to your state of harmony and disharmony will just go away even if you do not give it attention. You will be able to summon and bring out the goodness in all creatures and in the surroundings because the goodness in them will be magnetized and drawn to unite with your harmony. This is the beauty of the law of attraction. In one’s life, there may come experiences that seem to be unjust at first glance, especially if one is striving to become good and holy. These occurrences can be given light by knowing and understanding the law of karma, which is another one of the universal laws that you should study. According to this law, all acts must return to their source. The law of karma operates in the physical, emotional and mental plane and thus, all acts in these planes must return to the person who is the origin of those acts. No event will come to you which is not deserved or of which you are not the source. However, this should not be regarded as payment for whatever was done, whether good or bad. The more meaningful way of understanding the manifestation of karmic law is to recognize it as a means of teaching which will give man an opportunity to find out the correctness and propriety of all his acts. The law of karma operates in circular motion, like a spiral. Each turn of it is a cycle wherein what has been done by man is now being returned to him. If in this returning, man learns nothing from his experience, his act will return to him again but this time in a bigger cycle or in a more severe way so that he will understand the lesson behind the experience. The start of a karmic cycle is like a dot that suddenly appears out of a limitless source. This dot will move in spiral fashion, going outward, its circle becoming bigger and bigger while man does not understand what he should learn from a past act that is now returning to him. Each time a new act is done, a new dot is created which will again turn like a spiral to make man understand the hidden lesson from every act. Because the law of karma operates in the lower planes, its manifestation is subject to time and space, and that is why the returning of man’s act is not always immediate, and often needs a long passage of time before the deserved outcome will happen. Since the operation of karmic law is not a reward or punishment for acts but a means of teaching, the coming to man of different experiences that are the fruits of his past acts is always at the right and proper time and opportunity, because these will become meaningless if, upon the return of his acts, man does not yet have the capacity to understand the events that are coming into his life. The present level of one’s understanding has a great bearing on the quickness of returning of one’s past mistakes. This is the reason why, from an outer point of view, there are many hardships and sufferings that come to one who is turning good and holy. It could be that he already has the capacity to understand and benefit from such kinds of experience that are the fruits of his past mistakes. One who is turning holy does not anymore look for happiness or harmony that is just limited to the outer appearance of events, so the coming to him of experiences that have no outer beauty and harmony is also an opportunity for him to practice and improve his ability to see and recognize the truth and harmony behind seemingly undesirable manifestations. All things that happen in man’s life have a relation to his past acts and the reason why they are now returning to him is because he already has the capability to understand and benefit from them. The things that he cannot yet accept will not yet come to him, even though he deserves to be linked to them because he is their source. If you will understand very well the law of karma and how it acts in the world and life of man, you will see that it is not only perfect justice that prevails in the world. Together with this justice comes an immeasurable understanding of every creature’s capacity to accept experiences. The justice that acts in the world through the law of karma always goes hand and hand with love. The ones who govern all the events that happen in man’s life are the Lords of Karma who continuously monitor, guide and help man so that he will quickly reach the level of perfection. But because he has free will, man often does not give importance to the opportunities and experiences that come in his life. He does not use his understanding and the knowledge he has amassed to learn the lessons hidden in the events that are happening to him at present. Consequently, he is unable to extract any appropriate meanings from them that he could use for his next actions and encounters with the experiences that life will give him. This is the reason why the cycle of his karma becomes heavy. As long as he doesn’t learn what must be learned from an experience, the experience will not stop and it will return again and again to him in a more grievous manner. But when man has understood the lesson of the experience, it will simply stop. The outward turning of the karmic cycle will now reverse and return to the dot from which it originally came and the dot itself will likewise simply vanish. If you understand the way karmic law operates, what the real purpose of this law is, and if you also relate it to the law of attraction, you will easily see that it cannot be enough for only one life in the physical world to fulfill everything that must happen to man in accordance with karmic law and the law of attraction. Because the advancement of man’s wisdom and consciousness is by stages, he cannot possibly be able to understand all kinds of experiences in only one life. It is necessary to return again and again to the physical plane and to acquire a physical body in order for man to learn everything that he should learn. And this is achieved through the operation of the law of reincarnation. The law of reincarnation is the third of the universal laws that you should learn and understand. According to this law, a creature will return again and again to the physical plane and acquire a physical body in order to be given the opportunities to fulfill everything that must happen to it. Reincarnation does not only happen to man but to all creatures in the world, even in the life and consciousness that manifests as a mineral. If this life and consciousness has not yet reaches the highest level that can be attained by a mineral, it will return again to the physical plane and obtain manifestation as a mineral. When it has reached the highest level that can be attained by a mineral, its next manifestation will be as a plant already. Its advancement here is likewise in small steps and there will also be the returning to the physical plane as a plant until the highest level of consciousness that can be attained in reached. The same thing happens to creatures who have reached the level of animals and even the level of man. Every return to the physical plane and acquisition of a physical body is an opportunity to raise their level of consciousness. Creatures that have not yet reached the level of man progress slowly according to predetermined periods of time. On the other hand, because man has free will, he has the capability to hasten or slow down his progress. Nevertheless, since the movement of evolution is always upward, a creature always increases its level in every cycle of reincarnation because it always learn something, no matter how small. Because reincarnation is also a means for a creature to continue its advancement towards the level of perfection, in every return to the physical plane, the highest level of consciousness attained by a creature in its last incarnation is respected. Thus, a creature that has reached the level of man will not become an animal or a plant again, and one that has reached the level of a plant or animal will not anymore become a mineral, because this kind of going back is useless and counter to the course of evolution. The law of attraction, the law of karma, and the law of reincarnation have a relation to each other, and these three operate in order to help creatures, especially man, to advance towards perfection. Wherever you are and whatever is your state in life, do not blame or detest the events that happen in your life because all of these are just manifestations of the operation of the three laws mentioned. And if you will try to completely understand these three, you will see that they are all for your own good. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: It’s a must, therefore, for us to know the reason for all the things that happen in our life, is that right? A: What is important is not only to know the outer reason for the things that happen but to learn the lessons inside of them and to make these lessons a part of you. Q: I have heard about men who are “karmaless” or not subject to the law of karma. Is it true that there are such men? A: There is no man that is “karmaless” or above the law of karma. All who are in the human level are subject to the law of karma. But a creature in a human level advances, and it can reach the level of perfection and the consciousness of a Guru. At this level, he is no longer subject to karma, he is also no longer regarded as man. The meaning of “karmaless”is that all actions are no longer for oneself but always for the benefit of others. This consciousness has no more feeling or thought of separateness, so the purpose of all actions is to help all who are in need; the actions are always geared towards unity. A creature who has attained this kind of consciousness already has perfect knowledge of all things in the world and has become one with all of creation, so there is nothing more that karma can teach him, and he descends or remains in the world only to help and teach, not to study. Q: Would you please give us a way so that all our acts of disharmony or bad karma could be straightened out already? A: Bad karma only lingers and returns cyclically if man does not understand what he should learn from his mistake. The way to remove bad karma is so easy. Whatever your state and wherever you are, do not think of receiving, but instead, think of giving. Think that you do not need anything because God is within you and God always gives and helps only, and has no needs. Helping all and giving happiness to your fellowmen are what you should always think of and do. If someone made you happy, do not think too much about the happiness you received, but instead, think of the satisfaction felt by the one who helped or made you happy, and follow his example. If your thoughts and actions are always going outward and giving out to your fellowmen, you will not accumulate any new bad karma and you will no longer be affected by all the bad karma returning to you as fruits of past mistakes because you have no desire for self-benefit from these events or experiences. Do not also let your own advancement become your motive for helping others. You are spontaneously helping simply because you sympathize with your fellowmen and not because you are able to use them for your own advancement. Use this as your method of removing bad karma: forgetting yourself and remembering the benefit of your fellowmen. Q: How would you relate the law of karma to what John the Baptist said about repentance for the forgiveness of sin? A: Repentance is an understanding and acceptance of one’s mistakes, and a firm resolution not to repeat them anymore and to put one’s life into order. Repentance is meaningless if there is no understanding of the mistake committed, and thus the karma which become the fruit of the mistake will still not end. So many people repent many times over but they do not understand what they should learn from an experience. But there are also some who repent only once but suddenly feel relief because they are able to understand what they should learn. Repentance for sin is good if one is able to find out what he should learn from his sin. But repentance without being able to obtain a lesson or understanding from the experience is meaningless. It only adds to the misery of the world, and the disharmony in oneself is not relieved because nothing is learned from the experience. The cycle of bad karma also does not end here, because karma stops only when understanding has been gained. Q: Sometimes, a sickness that we have already experienced comes back to us. Does it mean that we have not learned the hidden lesson in that sickness? A: Karma turns and turns because it is a cycle. The cycle only stops and goes back to its originating dot if man has already understood what he should learn. The repeated return of sickness to you has s relation to something that you may not yet have fully understood, and you should be thankful for it because it is a new opportunity again for you to learn and advance. You should not waste the opportunity, but instead, understand it fully so that the lesson in that kind of experience will become a part of you. *******
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:36:06 +0000

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